I’m worried about it. I’ve done all I can. Doing GOTV next week with some neighbors


The GOP's GOTV ground game is pretty disorganized. But one area in which they are locked in and devoting a ton of resources involves create doubt and confusion around election results. There is no legitimate rationale for that. Their back up plan if they lose is to claim it was stolen.


Got this text earlier today... 1) I'm not Mary. 2) My absentee ballot has been marked received. 3) lol, I'm not voting for him. Thanks for the grift GOTV, GOP. I hope all your GOTV attempts are just as pointless, targeted towards strong Harris voters.

Text from the Trump campaign asking recipient to vote early. The text includes an image of Trump pointing and a long text message.

Hahaha that stupid tangerine fucker gave over almost his entire GOTV operation to the world's richest idiot during an election that will 110% be won on voter turnout. What's the German word for 'laughing hopefully'?

Republicans Tell Trump That Elon Musk's Super PAC Is Blowing It
Republicans Tell Trump That Elon Musk's Super PAC Is Blowing It

Donald Trump’s allies have been warning him that Musk’s field operation is failing in key states — and that it’s being led by DeSantis’ failed team.


I thought Trump said not to worry, that he himself is his own GOTV effort


More observations from GOTV texting: NC has so far been divided between people really enthusiastic about Harris and people who are VERY ANGRY ABOUT HER and also me. WI is the first state where I've gotten multiple "shut up i don't care" responses, but so far no pro-GOP ones.


Republicans having little events amongst themselves and Democrats knocking doors is an interesting reversal from 2016. Democrats have worked hard since 2018 in PA to improve their statewide ground game. This election will be an interesting test of the importance of GOTV.


So I think a primary pathway to change is going to be pissed off parents when someone accused their daughter of being trans. I could be wrong, I hope maybe if we break the GOP that they can't use anything, much less human rights, as a GOTV cudgel, but that's my general thought of how this will go.


It *is* good news, and I'm thrilled to see it. Still need to pound the pavement and GOTV here even though my state is deep red.