Bluesky, it's come to my attention that I officially have Too Much Crap(tm) and its probably time for me to embrace the digital future. Any recommendations on a tablet good for reading books/comics for an old grognard who's never touched one before?


There's a thread on the Grognard Files discord literally right now with people looking for games


The GROGNARD files production meeting and GROGMEET planning


Also, this gives me an excuse to post my favourite ever grognard joke.

Black Powder has some really phenomenal lore. In terms of novels you have the Flashman series, the Horatio Hornblower series, the Jack Aubrey series. There are some great novel Killer Angels is part of the lore of this game. You may have already read the Red Badge of Courage, also part of the lore of this game.

Even Shelby Foote has contributed a novel to this universe.

There are a bunch of movies that further the lore and even some comic books.

But where the game really shines is the number of books that have been published for scenarios, back story and detailed descriptions of battles.

In terms of that sort of thing it totally blows anything GW has done out of the water. The depth and breadth of material to find details about battles to be played with this game is just astonishing. I have literally hundreds of (non-novel) books about the lore, imagine something like Loremasters, only in book form, although longer and far more in depth in most cases.

I'm planning on running it later in the year, early next year - it's a great campaign, and the strongest of the two currently out for Pulp CoC. So I'd be finding out how long as well from the Grognard reply, sweet.


The GROGNARD files played through it!


karateka, bruce lee, a lot of weird arcade ports, early NES ports, some proper grognard RPGs, mostly I just think of all the 8-bit computers of the 80s as all having weirdly different versions of the same games


I don’t know, maybe I would have been a D&D grognard and resisted new stuff for a long time in much the same way some people do now. But now gamer me is blown away, and also a little sad that there’s a non-zero possibility I won’t be able to play all the games I want to play before I die.


realising in the light of the latest m:tg discourse that ive gone full grognard. Magic to me is playing a 60-card constructed deck, specifically from ‘s Urza collection. it was a more civilised era