Rev. Magdalen

🌊🥥🌴 Anti-Fascist [The kind that is AGAINST antisemitic pogroms.] Please direct all complaints to Antifa HQ. #SubGenius Creator of Israel-Hamas War feed: She/her

Shannon Vavra

National Security Reporter at The Daily Beast | Covering the politics and cascading effects of war and grey-zone ops, especially Israel-Hamas, Russia's war in Ukraine, China's growing Taiwan aggression | Probably in need of covfefe and a snack

Papa Demon 🖕Fuck Nazis/Fuck Putin/Fuck Hamas🖕

Papa 1s 10j. Padawan Feminism refugees welcome Inside Sales Manager @AVM(FRITZ!) U.N.V.E.U. CSC High Ground AFOB - Müdigkeit erreicht Stellen, wo Motivation niemals hinkommen kann.🤷‍♂️

Kolkrabe of Doom

Frånk, Fast Blockfinger, Pflanzenfresser, große Fresse aber harmlos. G+. Corvidist, Luciferian. Gegen jeden Antisemitismus! ❤ Pen&Paper ❤ Guitar ❤ Synths ❤ AI 🚫Nazis & "Conservatives" 🚫PoMos 🚫 VTler 🚫Hamas-Buddys 🚫Cops, Twitteria=Scum

Stephen Walker he, him

Disabled Old Man. Was involved in politics. Was Military then Government. Still reads SF with the right glasses I believe the Climate is changing and support Women's Choice I won't follow back if you have no posts. I Block Hamas, Russia and MAGA supporters


絵を描いたりするなどします!(X: @hama_fazer )


Biologist, PHD, Pirate ☠️🌈🔴🇱🇻🇮🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦 CovidIsNotOver 8x💉 Pro: FBPE, FBLCK, Kurds, Science, KSC, BGE, BildungAberSicher, NAFO Anti: S21, Tierquäler, Holzofen, Pelletmafia, Baumfrevel, Palmoil, Putin, Trump, AfD, TERFs, Erdogan, Hamas, BSW

Zoey 🇮🇱🇺🇸🇺🇦✡️🟦 (CrunkDweetings)

Salty protector of the vulnerable. #climate, civil rights and animal activist , MD, Zionist Jew, master gardener in training. ❤️ my rescue chis. I 💙Biden/Harris, facts, #empathy, stomping Nazis. Hamas holds Palestinians hostage. Hamas=Iran=Putin=Trump #P