look, I know the future-economy is one where the blessed, the ones with the mindset are annointed as extra-special hangers on to a large billionaire class, and I know a good way to be so blessed is to write drivel that said billionaires might approve of. but still.


Man those are some massive Hangers, Godbless Dya 🙏


Bondage or making macrame plant hangers.


Some very good salvage at that airfield, shouldn't be too hard to get those planes back in the air with what we can pull from the hangers.


Top Tier Low Hangers


I don't think I've worn a boy shirt since probably the summer of 2020. Except for the occasional outfit experiment. I have about 12 of them on hangers in suit bags in my wardrobe, and I'm questioning whether I just send the bulk of them to the local charity shop. Transition quandaries 🤷


Found a charming book at my local public library

Glossary of terms used in heraldry
the military ladder, with curved top, is what is intended, The charge is perhaps more frequent in Welsh arms ge French arms the number of rounds (fr. échelons) are occasionally named, Areent, three scaling-ladders bendwise, two awa one, gules-KILLINGwORTH. Argent, a tower sable, having sealing-ladder raised against it in bend sinister or-MAUNser. Or, three double sealing-ladders sable-Asniry Azure, three beacons with ladders or, fired gules-GERVAYS. Azure, a lion rampant between in chief two castles triple towered In base a scaling-ladder argent, bordure or charged with four rowes mles, and as many spear-heads sable alternately-JAMes Sable, a spear-head between three scaling-ladders erect argent- Robert DE LA VALE. D'or à l'aigle éployée de sable portant en a échelons d'argent-L'EscHELLE, serres une échelle de cing Lamb, (fr. agneau): when represented passant, the far shewn in profile; but when the Holy or Paschal Lamb is intended then the face should be guardant or reguardant. This bearing varies considerably in dif ferent examples, particularly in the shape of the flag, but the annexed figure may be considered as a fair type. The nimbus should be gold, with a red cross: the flag argent, cross and ends gules. The Holy Lamb is, however, not unfrequently borne all of one colour. Argent, a chevron engrailed gules between three lambs passant sable The Holy Lamb. LAMB, Azure, three paschal-lambs or-LAMB. Argent, on a cross gules a paschal-lamb or carrying a banner argent charged with a cross of the second-The Honourable Society of the MIDDLE TEMPLE. Ladies' heads. See Heads. Lambeaux: dovetails; used also of the files of the label. Lambel, (fr.): e.g. Label. rgent, a Azure, Gules, holy lamb with cross of S. John t the sea Argent, second a h Two Azure, name of a Among occur the kidneys. Vert, argent argent, borough, Lam arms occurs QUARIES the fam Tin-pla with co Sable same, in An a tinguet Sable Lambrequin: the Mantle placed upon a helmet: also the point of a Label.
BABRE 870 o aimilar are the Palchion, called also the (the latter sometimes represented with e back engrailed) that practically no dife ence ean made in the drawing, except that the falchion should have a blade somewhat wider in the middle. The Cuflass is also found a lion rampant double tailed and ducally crowned c in the dexter falchion gulen Pas, Middlesex: granted 1758. Asurs, a falchion in pale argent hilt gules-TATwera Gnles three hangers or falchions barwise in pale sh e sinister part of the shield argent, hilts and pomele to Azure, three scimetars in pale argent hilta isterHoposos, Tooting and Buekland, Surrey. on a chief gules three cutlasses erect argent hilts or pomels or, the pointa x, Framfield, Sussex; granted 1628. Or, three bars wavy gules with a scimetar pale argent, hilt and pomel of the field--Davmosp. Argent, a cutlass in bend sable-ELAM, Kent. Gmles, three cutlasses in pale barry argent [?] neufes or-Tross, en A French term Badelaire is found sometimes used; it seems to be similar to the sabre. De gueules, à trois badelaires d'argent rangés en pal De Bors, Bretagne Beaz, (Anglo-Saxon Seaz, Icelandie Sax), another term used, and signifies a broad curved sword with a semicireular notch at the back of the also blade Gules, three seaxes barwise proper, hilts and pomels or [handles to the dexter and edges of blades uppermost] County of MIDDLESEX Argent, s lion rampant sable; on a chief gules two sesxes in saltire of the first, tilts and pomels or-Gommm [Middlesex, 1761] Sagittarius. See under Satyr. Sail. See under Ship; also under Windmill Saker= Sacre. Salamander. See Phæniz. Salix. See Willow.
SEX-FOIL-SHAKE-FORK. 531 CUNNINGHAM. Sex-foil: the term sex-foil is found in one or two old rolls used for what are elsewhere blazoned of arms, and seems to roses: but though the five-foil r cinque-foil is very common, it has not been observed in modern a coats. See also Narcissus. Simon de VEER, de goules trois sixfueilles d'ermyn-Roll, temp. HEN. III. tomsire de PrERPoUNT, port d'argent, a une lyon de sable rampant et urle seyfoils [often drawn cinquefoils] gules-Roll, temp. Ep. III. sire Johan DARcy de argent, a un escuchon de sable, od les rosettes fetherwise blazoned sistefoils] de goules assis en maniere de bordure Roll, temp. ED. II. Argent, ten six-foils [intended for roses] gules, four, three, two, and e-Joan RosELEE, Roll, temp. ED. I. Sable, three sixfoils within a bordure engrailed or-Walter de Wis roxs-From the coloured roll in possession of Society of Antiquaries] Angemmes, (fr. from lat. ingemma), are described as a series of round ornaments drawn like quatrefoils, but with six leaves, and seem to be confined to French heraldry. De gueules, à un écusson d'argent à la bordure d'angemmes d'or TANCARVILLE. Shake-fork: this is a bearing resembling a pall couped and pointed, and is almost entirely confined to Scotch families, and chiefly to those of CUNNINGHAM, who bear it in a variety of ways. It is in one instance blazoned a Pale furché. Argent, a shake-fork sable-CUNNINGHAM. Argent, a pale furché between two cotises sable-CUNNINGHAM. Argent, a shake-fork sable charged with einquefoil of the first-CUNNINGHAM, Glengar nock. Argent, a rose vert between three shake-forks sable-SMALLSHAW, Bolton, co. Lancaster. erased in base or, three laurel leaves vert-KINLOCH, Seotland. Azure, on a shake-fork between two mascles in chief, and a boar's head Shacklebolt. See Fetterlock. Descriptive alt text Alt text Shafferoon. Corruption of Chap-

Call it petty but I'm kinda glad Elon is up to his bullshit so the hangers onto X can finally get knocked loose and move over to Bluesky already.


2/3: Biggest change (and greatest loss) is the smaller Lounge Bar, until recently this was relatively unchanged since the 60’s with enough heritage features to feature on CAMRA’s inventory of unspoilt interiors. Sadly nothing of this remains now. The pub does retain its original three room layout.

Lounge bar with original curved bar counter, stone fireplace, fixed bench seating, ‘Ladies’ sign and fittings circa. 1960’s.
Lounge bar circa. 2024
Lounge Bar circa. 2009, with original bar counter and bar back, bench seating, Gents sign and coat hangers.
Lounge Bar circa. 2024, serving hatch where the bar counter once was.

"Death of Stalin" but for Trump's various hangers-on in what's left of the RNC and his Super PACs