Nothing fancy this time around but instead more of a mood setter! If there are anyone who have never read the comic before and who are wondering how this is furry art, check out the first page here:

The world turns white as the light envelops Mirabel. "That was the first time I saw the dream of the sky in flames."

A little early this week due to some travels I'm going for (title not related) :) #furry#furryart#comic#homecauldron#mirabel

Mirabel looks to the crimson sky. Flames engulf the sky painting the oily black horizon into vivid oranges and reds. Against the blinding light of the sea of flames, three bright stars shine through and among them an hole dark like the void devouring a moon.

First "real" page of the second chapter of Home Cauldron but this time the scene looks a bit- different? #furryart#furry#mirabel#homecauldron#comic

"Mirabel..." The strange voice grows louder. Crackles spark under her feet as her claws dig into a marble floor under a thin layer of water. Like oil it glitters against the endless backdrop of a starlit sky. Countless rows of marble walkways and statues, litter the landscape in physically impossible orientations. "Who goes there?!" Mirabel yells as she turns around to the direction of the voice. The voice responds in the same calm and soft tone: "Come..." Mirabel's agitation quickly turns into confusion and dread, as she turns around. Her bright purple eyes reflecting the flames. "Wh- What?!" She yelps out in terror.

First page of the second chapter of Home Cauldron! (Don't worry, an illustrated page is posted along with this one!) #furry#furryart#comic#homecauldron

In the pitch black darkness, there is a soft sound calling her name: "Mirabel..."

At last, the day ends and so does the first chapter of HC! I had a rough end of spring and an upcoming move so unfortunately I had fallen behind in my page schedule. However, Home Cauldron chapter 2 will return after a short break! #furry#furryart#comic#mirabel#erika#homecauldron

Page 15. Erika smiles enthusiastically in the cozily lit room. "Only one more thing remains!" She says. "The most important part for any witch with a new home, which is of course naming your home!" Mirabel strokes her chin in contemplation. The fireplace crackles in the kitchen, its flames playfully licking the hanging cauldron. "I think I got just the name for it!" Mirabel then says. The crescent moon lights up Mirabel's homestead, fireflies zipping in the still night. The moonlight bounces off from the wooden plaque, shaped like a cauldron and decorated with a small brass insignia with a purple heart in its center right above the name: Home Cauldron.

The only thing missing for ultimate coziness is a bottle of wine. You can read the whole comic so far at:

Page 14. The evening has set over Harima. Mirabel's new home is cozily lit by candle lights and a purple aether bulb. It gently lights up the couch where exhausted Mirabel and Erika sit. "Phew! I'm exhausted... I couldn't have done it without you though. Thanks for the help Erika!" Mirabel says with a relieved sigh. "Oh don't mention it!" Erika responds with a gentle smile. "Though I must admit it was a bit more work than I first envisioned it to be." she continues. Mirabel gives a wide grin and chuckles. "Haha yeah sorry 'bout that! Next time I'll get a house that hasn't been abandoned for decades." The kitchen is lit with a gentle orange hue from the candles. Erika's giftbox lays neatly on the table: a wooden handmade bowl with freshest common and some exotic fruits. "Then again this house does have some very cozy charm to it that newer houses don't have!" Erika says. "Yeah I guess you're right! And not to mention what a bargain it was. To be honest, I expected it to be quite the shady shagshack for the price I paid for it. But as it turns out, it just needed a bit of love." Mirabel responds and lets out an another relieved sigh with a smile. "But again, thanks for the help and the housewarming gift!"

The best feeling after getting your new home fixed up is the first cozy evening. You can read the whole comic so far at:

Page 13. Eventually the evening falls. Mirabel snaps her fingers and a the candles cheerfully spark into a cozy flame.

I would like to live in a world where cleaning was just a montage. You can read the whole comic so far at:

Page 12. Mirabel stares at the pile of stuff she has brought with her for a moment and then says: "Well I guess having some help wouldn't hurt. It is a lot of manual labor after all. And I guess if you really don't mind it, then sure!" The two begin their task, cleaning, moving stuff, unpacking and scrubbing. Even Pupu is helping. Afterall, who better to take care of the bag of treats.

A little early this week since I will be studying tomorrow! :) You can read the whole comic so far at:

Page 11. "So you are a witch as well then!? Gosh I haven't ever met a witch who wasn't an old hag! Judging by your attire, I take it you do gardening for a job or a hobby?" Mirabel asks, excited to learn more of her new colleague. "Both actually!" Erika responds. "I've been working as a herbalist for a few years now. You know, the usual: brewing potions, rising herbs, making salves. I'm lucky enough to do it for a living! Also there isn't a full-time doctor in Rowanill so I sometimes try to help the people to the best of my abilities." She explains. Erika glances at the kitchen, now filled with bags and crates. "Speaking of helping. I was wondering if I could help with any of this? It's quite the work for one person and you don't seem to have any conjuring circles set up yet either. So I would happily help you to make this place feel like home!" She says. Mirabel scratches her head, embarrassed to accept such an offer from someone she just met. "Oh no you really don't have to-" she begins but is immediately interrupted by Erika's enthusiasm. "Nonsense! Of course I'll help! I insist!"

What good are aprons if they couldn't handle a bit of a mess? :) You can read the whole comic so far at:

Page 10. Pupu inhales deep the rich aromas of Erika's herbalist apron. His eyes water and with a loud CHOOOOH, he expels his magical energy across the room straight at Erika. "PUPU!" Mirabel yells as Erika covers her face from the sneeze, leaving only a cloud of pink, blue and purple smoke from his wake. Mirabel scratches her head in embarrassment. "Sorry about the mess.. He is a bit of a goofball..." She says. "Nah, don't worry about it! That's what aprons are for." Erika says wiping the sparkly goo out of her clothes with her right hand. "If anything, I should've changed into something more presentable for the visit,"  she continues. Mirabel laughs. "Haha nonsense, don't you worry about that! If you think that is bad, I must look like a scarecrow from my trip here!" She says and gestures towards the kitchen chair with her open palm. "But please, just have a seat!"