Gay gay homosexual gay


The joke of it all, is they took one chaste transwoman, shot her photo from the neck up, and put it on a beer can. The most fucking sesame street ass, rated-G image possible, and they will never do it again because you, homosexual, are not worth risking their bottom line a second time.


🌵Nicholas "Nick" Duskfell (he/him) 🌵Age: 34 🌵Race: Shaloaani Elezen (duskwight/wildwood) 🌵Personality: Levelheaded, quiet, loyal, romantic, protective 🌵Sexuality: Homosexual 🌵Alignment: Lawful good


Also in the honorable mention at the BDSM and leather museum

A tall homosexual tweeks a cut outs nipple
A homosexual standing next yo a homosexual cut out

I am a homosexual lesbian spirit


En tajua. Jos kerran halutaan katsoa dekadentin ja perverssin lännen telkkarisarjoja, niin kai ne sitten pitäisi näyttää koko rappiollisessa loistossaan. Toisaalta, jos The Wire julkaistaisiin nyt, niin jengi varmaan boikotoisi ja haukkuisi internetsissä wokeksi kommarisarjaksi.

David Simonin twiitti:
Have been informed that the two Russian streaming services offering The Wire in that country have systematically removed scenes and dialogue indicating that Omar Little is homosexual.

Be advised, you backward fucks, that Omar Little of Baltimore, Maryland is unapologetically gay,  and, though fictional, infinitely more badass and tactically effective than all of the conscripts and paroled thugs you've sent into the meat-grinder in Ukraine.  Not that they'd do much better invading West Baltimore.

But thanks for watching, I guess.

The searing homosexual FURY I felt this morning when I woke up to the news that the east coast Kylie Minogue shows were getting ROMY as the opener and we were getting goddamn Rita Ora


This quote in a blogpost captured a lot of what I've been feeling recently in spaces and what should be community: “I don’t know what want, which is fine, but am I breaking some sort of urban homosexual social contract to cruise if I’m not looking to hookup right now? Am I a straight girl […]