now that i brought up jesus the voices in my head r telling me to make an infodump post i hope u explode


I just wanna stress that this is a thing happening & I will probably infodump or talk about my situation- consider this y'alls warning; I want to be as open about things because there's not enough trans voices out here in all honesty.


bloomfies me and my best friend got a cool idea for my worldbuild does anyone want to get an autist infodump?


Eu consegui convencer um amigo a assistir Soul Eater, quarta-feira eu vou na casa dele e nós vamos assistir o máximo de episódios que der, eu nem terminei o anime ainda e já estou viciado e fazendo infodump sobre para os meus manos


Hi can infodump about psychonauts 2


Hi can i infodump about psychonauts 2


fun fact: Episode 10 takes place on October 9th, 2012, which is the release date of The Parallax II by Between the Buried and Me; that's why Brianna opens the episode by infodumping about it & bookends it by singing the last lines of "Extremophile Elite" very enthusiastically to her gf's face

a list of the first ten episodes of Queer Code (or at least their rough drafts)
1, Invitation to View: Brie's highly immersive game of d&d gets interrupted by aliens
2, Brain Sluggers: aliens make closeted trans boy Cayden think his softball team is zombies
3, The Great Galleria Heist: the gang gets locked in the mall overnight & decide to rob the joint, coincidentally run into actual robbers
4, About a Squirrel: Brie sics squirrels on new girl whom she believes is alien spy
5, Rachel 'n' La Casa: new girl reveals herself to be alien spy
6, Dropping the F-Bombs: principal attempts to recruit Brie & Mexican sidekick parody Lexi to his secret supe team
7, A Bone to Grind with You: Brie & Lexi carry F-Bombs to victory over school shooter parody villain Bonestorm
8, World of Emma's Craft: Cat-aclysm: Brie attempts to recreate Emma's drenched sketchbook from (stolen) memory while Lexi distracts her with a cat that she then gives psychic powers
9, Brianna Spills Her Guts: a bad case of xenomorph-induced tummyache makes Brie cranky & she makes it everyone else's problem
10, Gossip Gore: the gang crashes a fancy Halloween party, many people die
episode 1 word count
—4654 words
—27411 characters (23078 w/o spaces)
—like 10 pages iirc? too lazy to drag out the hard copy rn

behind that you can make out half of the epitaph (it's the chorus from "All Bodies" by Between the Buried and Me, go listen to the song if you want the full text) as well as the date that the pilot is set on (9/27/2012) and a bit of Brianna's intro description...that last word is "fleshquake" in case you wanna know what my descriptive writing was like back in high school lmao
episode 10 word count
—11934 words
—71976 characters (60912 w/o spaces)
—like 25-28 pages iirc

behind it you can just barely make out the episode beginning in the middle of Brianna's breathlessly infodump about the Parallax Saga & its final chapter (it's been out for 8 hours at this point, it's 73 minutes long & she's already listened to it six & a half times & counting)

OC havers, what's your one character that you love with your whole heart but also hate with your whole,, second heart? This is very important knowledge that I need, infodump now #oc


buddy no you have to hear my unhinged infodump about zenonia or the mana games or like. arc the lad before you even THINK about talking to me about ogremon's feet


Boloraha!!! Alas not on PC rn, but! Bolormaa and G'raha Tia are complete dweebs who fell in love during ARR, and also are soulmates! They will infodump to each other for ages and cuddle together and struggle to sleep because gotta add more info.