“Trump has escalated his long-running assault on the integrity of US elections as the 2024 presidential campaign enters its final stretch, using a new series of lies about ballots, vote-counting & the election process to lay the groundwork to challenge a potential defeat”

Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat | CNN Politics
Fact check: 12 election lies Trump is using to set the stage to dispute a potential 2024 defeat | CNN Politics

Former President Donald Trump has escalated his long-running assault on the integrity of US elections as the 2024 presidential campaign enters its final stretch, using a new series of lies about ballo...


By "hard", might you mean 'difficult to espouse at any level of academic integrity'?By "hard", might you mean 'difficult to espouse at any level of academic integrity'?


Honor requires helping those in need. Bravery requires putting oneself into risk to save others, and suffering, if necessary, the consequences. Integrity requires moral adherence to laws higher than what it says on paper about who owns the bottled water on the truck when fellow humans are in need.


In Kingsport they have honor, bravery, integrity or some shit, printed on their squad cars, or their SUVs


I actually don’t think that of Harris, not because of any particular decency or integrity on her part, but because a South Asian/Black woman would have no legitimacy without a significant electoral turnout


lol bye scab

Blocked by the hated Iron Spike for my heinous support for awful things like "collective bargaining" "integrity"

Simon Case, the Cabinet Secretary appointed by the Vacuum of Integrity in 2020 despite not being one of the obvious candidates, is stepping down at 45 after a prolonged sickness of 18 months duration The salary for his replacement is £200k - will there be a row?

Cabinet Secretary to step down on health grounds
Cabinet Secretary to step down on health grounds

Simon Case has been undergoing medical treatment for 18 months.


There’s something funny about the idea of an award for artistic integrity that can only be demonstrated by refusing the award


Glad to hear that Kris Kristofferson has left this world as gently as he deserved. So many great stories of his artistry and integrity but none to me as moving as his support for Sinéad O’Connor before and after her song here in 1990 💜

Sinead O´connor - Madison Square Garden
Sinead O´connor - Madison Square Garden

YouTube video by D Kfaro