Het is na middernacht en echt tijd om naar boven te gaan. Ik zit een boek te luisteren. Superhond van Kees Tinga en wil eigenlijk blijven luisteren. Nu verkrijgbaar! Voor mensen die lid zijn van PassendLezen te leen als luisterboek. Zou fijn zijn als iemand op X Kees Tinga van harte wil bedanken.

Dit is een boekomslag. Bovenaan staat de titel "Superhond" in grote zwarte letters. Daaronder staat de ondertitel "Een geleidehondeninstructeur blikt terug". De naam van de auteur, "Kees Tinga", staat daaronder. Op de achtergrond is een illustratie van een man met een geleidehond te zien. De man draagt een jas en staat voor een gebouw. Rechts op de omslag is een blauwe cirkel met de tekst "Heden in de boekhandel".

Jas figured she'd give her costume a little extra "oomph", but it looks like the spell might have gotten away from her. 😅


• Livro: Agente Ward: Evidências de uma Obsessão • Autora: Jas Silva • Avaliação: ★★★★ “— Não há nada neste mundo capaz de me fazer desistir de você ou permitir que me deixe, Tessa Thompson Ward. Você é a mulher da minha vida.”




• Livro: Doce Prisão: Dinastia Os Montenegro II • Autora: Jas Silva • Avaliação: ★★★★ “Eu não consigo viver sem você. Não importa o quanto eu tente me convencer de que posso nem do quanto você grite que me odeia. Eu simplesmente não consigo!”


• Livro: O Banqueiro: Homens no Poder • Autora: Jas Silva • Avaliação: ★★★★★ “— Porra! Nunca senti nada assim por outra mulher, estou obcecado. Doente por você! Então não pense que irei permitir que vá embora, porque isso não vai acontecer.”


Jess, my sis-in-law, ran into Jaslyn's bookbag & broke her toe because Jas (my oldest niece) is too paranoid to keep her school stuff in a locker & her backpack weighs so much. This is funny to me, because I did that too. I *never* used a locker & had a HUGE HEAVY BOOKBAG What a weird commonality


#LoSNNN2023 Relaxing together in a hot spring high in the mountains of Jas's homeland "Together" is technically right, but he's on guard Day 11:

A zoomed out view of Luka and Jas, each sitting on opposite sides of a hot spring pool, facing each other. Luka asks, "Are you sure I can't come closer?"

Jas responds, "Is it December yet?"

That's a hell of a timeline! Jas was originally a big bad in a game I ran back in the day. He was far more monstrous and a shapeshifting demon trapped in an underground city by a magical curse in a homebrew I did


Good morning, my monsterfuckers! And good afternoon to you who're on the other end of the world. Happy Friday! How long has your character been around? Jas is about 10 years old and has gone though several iterations Luka has been around since 2018 They're all characters for a story I'm writing