Pox from Hymn to the Earless God! There's a demo for it on steam. Please check it out! (Same dev as JatPM which you should also check out) #indiegame#fanart#htteg


Art I did for the Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass vinyl album cover in 2021 #jatpm#indiegame#rpgmaker


well gang I think that's enough following people for tonight anyways for those who don't know me or happened to stumble across my profile hi i'm pekayfun and I fw the mother series (along with various other earthbound inspired RPGs like JatPM and other shit like Everhood)


It’s kinda making me want to try out full fledged horror games. I’ve been avoiding them cuz I scare super easy, but if I can handle the eldritch creepiness of JatPM, I might be handle them? Maybe? *shrugs* They can be more relentless compared to a turn based RPG though. I’m on the fence.


Day… 4? 5? Of spending most of my free time playing Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass. This game is hitting many good points for me. The writing makes me feel for these characters. It hints at things, it creeps me out when that’s its goal. I’m working on a top 25 games list. JatPM is easily in the top 5