My very first Jon drawing ever vs my newest one. Feels fitting to post them together here. He got blorbofied HARD LMAO #tma#tmajon#jonathansims#themagnusarchives#themagnusarchivesfanart


Stranded - Chapter 4 [TMA Fancomic] Written chapter can be found here:

Jon meets Basira in the forest. She is sitting with the body of a great beast, scowling at him.
Jon speaks to her. "You had to. She was going to consume you. She did not want to be alone anymore". He Knows this.
She argues back at him. Jon seems largely unaffected. He has lost the part of him that would weep at her words.
They walk together anyway. They don't have another choice.

Their skin is cold and plastic and mine feels so very wrong #tma#themagnusarchives#jonathansims#mag101

Jonathan Sims, kidnapped by the Circus. Several mannequin hands grasp at his face. He stares on to the viewer, gagged and terrified. The hands shake slightly and there is a bit of green in his otherwise brown eyes.

Anchor. His silhouette is brought into sharp relief, bearing a halo of light that obscures his face. He is unknowable, unreachable, and mine. #tma#themagnusarchives#teaholding#jmart#jonathansims#martinblackwood

Martin holds Jon, hands on either side of his face. It is a gentle gold. A seeing fog swirls around them, and a sharp light comes from behind Martin. Jon is holding up the spider lighter, and the green flame obscures Martin's eyes.

Stranded - Chapter 2 [TMA Fancomic] #tma#themagnusarchives#jonathansims#strandedtma

A strange small. The parkinglot is empty, aside from one car. Inside, there are hundreds of almost-human figures surrounding a victim on the floor. Jon watches.
He offers a hand to them. They take it. They walk out together, and Jon lets go once they're outside. They almost look solid again.
Figure speaks, "It's not safe. Why go?" Jon appears irritated before his expression falls into resignation and he replies, "I have to." Figure responds, "Ca.. can I come with you?"
Jon turns away. The figure is almost completely intangible again. "No. You'll be alright on your own." Jon walks away, and the figure is left behind.

The change is painful and beautiful and I am so very scared #tma#themagnusarchives#jonathansims#mothjon#jarchivist

Jonathan Sims with moth wings of stained glass coming from his back. There is a chain around him.