i'm just saying, maybe the administration has a point.

gmail screenshot reading (from tiktok) user4990627128050:#learnontiktok #truestory #usa #storytime

I think the cheeto traul has broken the clock app. I keep seeing videos from months ago with 0 relevancy to it tagged for the cheetos trail and learnontiktok. Why.


[THREAD 🧵] I had the pleasure of editing an open-access "In Focus" dossier on "media study beyond media studies" — how the pandemic revealed the prevalence of critical media work taking place *outside* the Academy — for the Jrnl of Cinema + Media Studies! [1/5]

Introduction: Media Study beyond Media Studies: Pandemic Lessons for an Evolving Field

Shannon Mattern
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The Medium Inside: Psychoanalysts' Media Theory of Everyday Life

Hannah Zeavin
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Making up over Zoom: An Autoethnography of Streaming in/as Media Scholarship

Christine H. Tran
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#LearnonTikTok Serendipitously, #LearnonTikTok Seriously

Jing Zeng
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Bad Archives

Paul Soulellis
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Grassroots Data Activism

Lucy Pei and Roderic Crooks
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Opening the Broadband Access Paradox

Greta Byrum
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