To destress on my last 15 tonight, I played guitar as I always do, but tonight, the stress anxiety levels we so high I broke both of the lowest strings on my main guitar. Guess I need that...for reference I play Ernie Ball Power 48-11.

a man is playing a guitar on stage while a crowd watches .
a man is playing a guitar on stage while a crowd watches .

ALT: a man is playing a guitar on stage while a crowd watches .


Beach Hazards Statement issued October 7 at 9:39PM CDT until October 8 at 7:00AM CDT by NWS Houston/Galveston TX Additional Details Here.

* WHAT...Dangerous rip currents and elevated tide levels

* WHERE...Gulf-facing beaches, including the Matagorda
Peninsula, Brazoria County beaches, Galveston Island and the
Bolivar Peninsula.

* WHEN...Through Tuesday morning.

* IMPACTS...Rip currents can sweep even the best swimmers away
from shore into deeper water. Elevated tides may bring minor
coastal runup and dangerous swimming conditions.

idk about direct study, but there's some related figures here:

Key Findings
Economic research has found that:
Past deportations have harmed U.S.
workers with lost jobs and lower
wages. For example, the deportation
of 454,000 immigrant workers
not authorized to be in the United
States from 2008 to 2015 reduced the
employment share of U.S.-born workers
by 0.5 percent and reduced their
hourly wages by 0.6 percent.
Future large-scale deportations have
been estimated to reduce the size of the
U.S. economy. Estimates of U.S. economic
loss range from 2.6 percent to
6.2 percent of Gross Domestic Product
(the most widely used measure of
national income). At 2023 levels those
equate to losses to the economy of
between $711 billion and $1.7 trillion.
Employment losses for future mass
deportation have been estimated to
be as high as 3.6 percent.

NEW WEATHER ADVISORY: Beach Hazards Statement * WHAT...Dangerous rip currents and elevated tide levels expected. * WHERE...Gulf-facing beaches, including the Matagorda Peninsula, Brazoria County beaches, Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. *... See more:


In effect, 'less is more'. There were only a small variety of certain items you could get but it urged to greater levels of creativity. Nowadays there's so much... 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘧𝘧, out there and it ranges a wide gamut of aesthetic, that it's kind of lost meaning. The items do the work. If that makes sense? ㅤ


I have reached death threat levels of popularity. I don't know what to do with that, but considering the particulars of one of them I guess I should stop sharing cute things my husband does. Seems I've made someone very jealous. They should be, he's amazing and no one deserves him.


In addition to all of the other weather and climate extremes right now, global sea ice levels are also at a record low for this time of year... More sea ice graphics available at

Line graph time series of 2024's daily global sea ice extent in red shading compared to each year from 1979 to 2022 using shades of purple to white for each line. 2023 is annotated in yellow, which was a record low in the boreal summer months. There is substantial interannual and daily variability. Seasonal cycles are visible. A disclaimer is shown, which states: Trends/variability in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice are affected by very different atmospheric/oceanic processes and opposite seasonality!

Worst part is we told her we were open to fighting these guys if she really wanted us to we just wanted to sleep first because many of us had several levels of exhaustion, down a ton of hit points, and out of spell slots. 😐 We were like YOU DIDN’T HAVE TO DO THAT


I purposely play games that you THINK are impossible to play wrong, just to accidentally find a way. JRPGs? I miss the first boss and continue wandering around until I’m 50 levels higher. Rogelikes? I miss major weapon upgrades, beat the game and wonder why it was so grind heavy.


pyridostigmine = mestinon, it regulates acetylcholine levels, which is why, if you can't access it, slow-release choline can be helpful. Both feed into the B vitamin cycles (folate / B12) which is why B vitamins help, too. B vitamins help DHA get into cells or vice-versa; I always forget/flip.