Left ideologies results in Liberalism. But, being Liberal, without being a Leftist, leaves a person becoming apolitical, with minor exceptions. That's today's Democrats. They forced working class to be Liberal Republicans. This is how Democrats empowers Trump.


Liberals do not want racial separation like other forms of racism do, they instead want to assimilate / make everyone neoliberal "white", by coercion if necessary. This is why the peak of Indian boarding schools coincides with peak liberalism in the US.


On the 'heyday of liberalism' from Kemi Badenoch's report 'Conservatism in Crisis', listing some of the developments 'the right has accepted... in order to keep social peace.' One curiosity is that the era is deemed to have ended in 2015. I think many think things have got no better since then.


This! It wouldn't have been even close if it weren't for the utter incompetence of the DNC. I wish people would realize that the liberalism and by extent the DNC ENABLES the right and is thus what ALLOWS for fascism to grow! Trump wouldn't have even been a problem if the candidates were just somewh-


I also don't think you see the end of slavery *without* capitalism, either, because it's the riches of industry that enabled powerful states to wean themselves off of revenues from slave plantations (and even start violently suppressing the vile practice). Liberalism gave the ends but not the means


You’re describing one of the reasons western liberalism stays winning. That’s not a contradiction


Yeah, not a great feeling. People think Oregon is this stalwart bastion of liberalism because we're a reliably blue state, but once you get out of the cities it's Trump country. Also, I don't think I knew that you were an Oregonian too! Are you in Bend?


yes, but have you considered that communism demands the contradictions of liberalism be harshly exposed


As a Marxist college teacher, I can assure you that there are no leftists in tenured positions. There's identitarian liberalism, itself a branch of the reactionary backlash against the Enlightenment. There's verbal radicalism. But mostly, it's a cult. Blue MAGA with delusions of rebelliousness.


"(liberalism) stands atop a pile of the corpses of ideologies it has defeated" is what I was responding to. It seems like a premature victory lap, especially right now. Some of those ideologies unfortunately have a lot of fight left in them.