Cops are first responders. There are still people missing. There are people on roofs, desperately trying to contact loved ones, people without their lifesaving meds or power for life saving machines. And their first responders are protecting bread that’s about to go moldy instead of responding.


Starlink is a lifesaving gamechanger in rural Alaska, FWIW.


Louisiana's new abortion pill law may delay lifesaving care for women, doctors say: Under the new law, the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol will be designated as Schedule IV controlled substances.

Louisiana's new abortion pill law may delay lifesaving care for women, doctors say
Louisiana's new abortion pill law may delay lifesaving care for women, doctors say

Under the new law, the drugs mifepristone and misoprostol will be designated as Schedule IV controlled substances.


Did they tell you all about Kevin Budden? Australian amateur herpetologist and undersung hero. Died at 19 while capturing the first live taipan, enabling the creation of lifesaving taipan antivenom and promoting antivenom research and development.


Honestly fucked up how when I was a little kid my parents made me carry around a little document for no valid reason that stated to refuse certain lifesaving medical procedures in case a life-threatening accident occured to me.


Fuck the police EXTRA for policing lifesaving items during a natural disaster, to protect capital.


I don’t think any reasonable person, in the year of our Lord 2024, can say “concern about surveilled personal information being used to prosecute women for obtaining a lifesaving procedure is illegitimate.”


‘In 2023, we finished four hospitals…equipped with regenerative energy, solar power and energy storage, allowing for intensive care and surgery units and maternity units…operate without electricity for up to six hours. So we connect all lifesaving equipment in these buildings to the energy storage.’


Oh good, another cis dude has Concerns and is Just Asking Questions about lifesaving healthcare that has already been tested and proven beyond all reasonable doubt, thank God. How about you pull your fucking nose out of business that does not concern you and go do some real journalism, you vulture.