Hoping our new CR project will shine some light on that, some good 'ol pseudo Lincoln Index style ecology. Already seems to be more short hops than anticipated but would still assume that rates of detection at single % figures if not less. That said, can't find one here in the Peak!


“Party of Lincoln” parading thru the Capitol with the Stars and Bars “Party of Lincoln” parading thru the Capitol with the Stars and Bars


I've seen "Baby Driver" 🤷‍♀️ half a dozen times? I just identified a car in the movie as a Lincoln Continental Mark IV. How do I even *know* that?! P.S. It's actually Mark V. I *had* to check!


reading their endorsement of Harris made me curious so i looked this up & holy shit the Atlantic’s 1860 endorsement of Lincoln goes hard

Is conservatism applicable only to property, and not to justice, freedom, and public honor? Does it mean merely drifting with the current of evil times and pernicious counsels, and carefully nursing the ills we have, that they may, as their nature it is, grow worse?
Prevention is not abolition, and unjust laws are the only serious enemies that Law ever had. With history before us, it is no treason to question the infallibility of a court ; for courts are never wiser or more venerable than the men composing them, and a decision that reverses precedent cannot arrogate to itself any immunity from reversal. Truth is the only unrepealable thing.

Northern lights outside of Lincoln Nebraska. Bonus: zoom in to the building roof to spot a mountain lion watching us! 😱


Forgot to share! Ximena & Marquise's wedding reception was Great Gatsby themed. It was held in a beautiful glass greenhouse in what I'm calling Parque Lincoln as their wedding was in Ciudad Enamorada. I wanted to keep honoring Mexico City for their story. #harrishappilyeverafter#thesims4


i wish berry was on here “It's fighting light pollution and the moon in the sky, but you can see a faint aurora color (green) across the Lincoln Park area of Chicago at 830pm this evening.”

The night sky over downtown Chicago. You can see a fate green hue in the blue.

It's fighting light pollution and the moon in the sky, but you can see a faint aurora color (green) across the Lincoln Park area of Chicago at 830pm this evening.


Might b my fav. Caught it in Lincoln 95 and Deer Creek 96