From my current WIP "A nausea began to creep up my throat. Cold terror settled on my shoulders and squeezed the air from my lungs." Not quite scare, but close enough. #queerwriters#WritingCommunity#lineshare#lgbtqwriters


They were ushered inside a hallway lit with orange glowstones. Another cleric held aside a wine-red curtain, letting them into the staging area, where the lights were dimmer. #LineShare#QueerWriters#ViolinHeist#LGBTQWriters#WritingCommunity


#queerwriters lineshare 'orange' This exercise has revealed to me that apparently I will use the colour orange at moments of tension, where something is about to go down. Never the moment itself, but just before. I had no idea about this tendency, and I'll be keeping my eye out for it in the future!


#LGBTQWriteAThon June 14: Pride Flags I have a whole HUGE cast of characters in my Sands of Theia series & all of them are queer, but I've picked just a few to showcase here: the MC's & important 2ndaries. Tirzah: Bi Green: Aromantic, Asexual Natane: Inclusive Sapphic*, Demisexual Xan: Genderflux

Background of a muted Pride Progress flag. In the foreground are names of characters and the pride flags that apply to them.

Tirzah Bariah: Bisexual Pride Flag
Green: Aromantic Pride Flag, Asexual Pride Flag
Natane Illyn: Inclusive Sapphic Flag, Demisexual Pride Flag
Xan: Genderflux Pride Flag
June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

#LGBTQWriteAThon June 13: Setting Mood Board Every book in the Sands of Theia series is set in, well, the sands of Theia. It is a desert world, where there is very little water. It never rains & it's always sunny, cloudless, & HOT. Theia holds many mysteries & I'm enjoying writing them for readers.

Collage of images displaying different images of deserts, heat, and ancient buildings.
June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

Writing Goals this week: 🐌 Finish writing the Chapters 5-7 sociology questions I'm helping a college prof design 🐌 Write two paragraphs a day of S&C or Banshee to get back into daily writing goals 🐌 Other misc little writing tasks 🐌 Finish some handwritten letters to mail out!! #LGBTQWriteAThon

June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

Liam's intro from Soil & Clay #LGBTQWriteAThon "The man gave the impression of a small mountain that had grown legs and wanted to go shopping. His expression was weighed down under a strong brow, his chestnut hair clipped short and clean. He remained near the door, arms crossed over his chest."

A sketch of Liam, a serious-looking bear of a man with short cropped hair and a rather nice chest, holding a coil of rope around one arm.
June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

Oh my dear #LGBTQWriteAThon, I wish I had better news for check-in day. While I did accomplish many "real life" things, between work and home I've not really been able to get words down.

June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

Day 4 & 5 of #LGBTQWriteAThon go hand in hand. Soil & Clay is heavily inspired by folklore and Appalachian horror. Banshee is my new WIP but I'm aiming for a 1960s not-dark ghost story. LEGACY is inspired by the work of many indie TTRPG folk, like Mousehole Press and Buried Without Ceremony.

June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky

#LGBTQWriteAThon June 4 (Catching up) I don't have any good comp titles (my spouse & I spent an hour last night brainstorming) so the fact that I forgot to post yesterday means I can catch up and still have a post! My inspiration for my WIP comes from a few places, but mostly this amazing OST.

A muted pride progress flag is the background. An image of the artwork from the video game Horizon Forbidden West, featuring a red-haired woman with a spear facing off against a machine dinosaur, is encircled by a pair of headphones.
June 1-30
Hosts: @amaralynn @krakengoddess

1. Introduce yourself & WIP
2. Lineshare-first line
3. What's your goal this month?
4. Inspiration for your WIP
5. Story comps
6. Character inspiration
7. MC intro/moodboard
8. Check in day
9. Line share-character intro
10. Goals this week
11. Who's your biggest supporter
12. Go-to pep talk
13. Story setting moodboard
14. Pride flag day
15. Check in day
16. Line share-Support
17. Goals this week
18. Character personalities
19. Story genre
20. Cover/art
21. Unhinged trope maps
22. Checkin day
23. Line share-Sunshine
24. Goals this week
25. Tingler your title
26. Badly describe your book
27. Bad moodboards
28. Pride anthems
29. Check in day
30. Line share-goodbyes

Use the tag, tag @lgbtqwriteathon on IG, follow the feed on Bluesky