Like Robodebt, everything is punishment with these freaks. #LNPNeverAgain


"just weeks out from the October state election, the Queensland LNP doesn’t have an energy plan – and they also voted against legislating the state’s renewable energy targets" #renewables#LNPNeverAgain

Heat is on Queensland LNP to show its hand on climate and renewables
Heat is on Queensland LNP to show its hand on climate and renewables

As the state swelters through a winter heatwave, Queenslanders need to know if the LNP is serious about fighting climate change and cutting power bills.


'Peter Dutton is making it part of his election platform to scrap Labor’s Housing Australia Future Fund (HAFF), the $10B program tasked with building 30,000 social and affordable dwellings over the next five years' #DicksonMustDumpDutton#LNPNeverAgain

Crisis, what (housing) crisis? Dutton to scrap 30,000 homes. - Michael West
Crisis, what (housing) crisis? Dutton to scrap 30,000 homes. - Michael West

If there was any doubt the Liberal Party has disdain for social and affordable housing, it's been removed in Peter Dutton tax cut promises.


"Bleijie asked during question time whether Labor would support the reintroduction of laws requiring union officials give 24 hours’ notice before entering Queensland worksites. In his response, Miles said Bleijie “might want to see construction workers die, but ... we do not”. #LNPNeverAgain

Miles commits to state CFMEU laws this week in fiery parliament return
Miles commits to state CFMEU laws this week in fiery parliament return

Queensland MPs have returned to Brisbane for the second-last sitting week before October’s election, with major party political attacks flying fast.


Regional people feel very hard done by already and there he is, Peter Dutton willing to whip up the city-country divide to help him electorally. This individual is reprehensible. #LNPNeverAgain#DicksonmustDumpDutton