Monatelang haben wir Lobbyregister gefilzt, Expert:innen befragt, eine Lobby-Konferenz besucht & Daten ausgewertet. Das Ergebnis: Die Straßenbaulobby ist bestens organisiert & setzt ihre Interessen mit Erfolg durch. 2/7

Diagramm, das die Machtstrukturen der Straßenbaulobby in Deutschland veranschaulicht. Zentral im Diagramm ist die „Autobahn GmbH & DEGES GmbH“ für Fernstraßenbau dargestellt, umgeben von miteinander verbundenen Akteuren: Baukonzerne, Ingenieurbüros, Forschungsinstitutionen, Finanz- und Versicherungsbranche, Industrie- und Handelskammern (IHKs), und Lobbyverbände wie FSV/GSV. Die Pfeile zeigen Beziehungen wie Bauaufträge, Lobbying, Finanzierung, Beteiligungen, und Regelwerke. Es wird deutlich, wie umfassend das Geflecht ist, von Unternehmen bis hin zu staatlichen Akteuren, die Entscheidungen zum Straßenbau beeinflussen. Diese Netzwerkgrafik illustriert eindrucksvoll, wie politisch und wirtschaftlich stark vernetzt die Akteure der Straßenbaulobby sind und wie komplex ihre Einflussnahme ist.

Absolutely. A "your debts to the south are invalid; no amount of lobbying will change that; congress and the president cannot honor them. But also this is a special case; this is not the United States defaulting on debts generally, which we *cannot* do now for the same reasons"


Electric bike stations everywhere, ones with mini cargo attachments for grocery shopping, lobbying for bike lanes everywhere, concierge service at the return stations in case you can’t borrow/return a bike.


Lobbyists to end us support of Israel then lobbying to end war then I would end lobbyists then well….lets just say that if you know my lore you know my plans for my benevolent dictatorship


EU considers postponing anti-deforestation law as pressure from agribusiness mounts “It also sends a signal to companies that haven’t been working on sustainability, because it shows that lobbying works more than actually changing their supply chains.”

EU considers postponing anti-deforestation law as pressure from agribusiness mounts
EU considers postponing anti-deforestation law as pressure from agribusiness mounts

An ambitious anti-deforestation law in the EU could be delayed for at least a year following pressure from foreign governments and producers, who said they were struggling to meet upcoming deadlines f...


The state, including both parties, are by and for America's rich. America's rich buy the state they want via campaign contributions, bribery, lobbying, etc. Voting for this or that party won't save us from fascism. America's Rich turn to fascism to defend capitalism and empire. 1/2


“This week, a Georgia chemical plant suffered yet another accident, releasing toxic fumes into an Atlanta suburb for at least the fourth time. The plant falls into a yawning regulatory loophole that chemical industry lobbying has kept open for years.”

The Regulatory Loophole That Keeps Poisoning Atlantans
The Regulatory Loophole That Keeps Poisoning Atlantans

This week, a Georgia chemical plant suffered yet another accident, releasing toxic fumes into an Atlanta suburb for at least the fourth time. The plant falls into a yawning regulatory loophole that ch...


Pains me to read this and think about groups like this from the 80s that were trying to set up something like ALEC and weren't half-bad at winning elections... ...but then were so ineffectual at lobbying (or, at the state-level in Iowa, outfoxed or out-gunned by ALEC and their allies).


Lobbying for permitting and construction reform to drop cost and time of US transit projects and intercity rail to global standards.