[REPLY] 1. I used the term "Moronites", not all Maronites. (notice I always use a term that doesn't actually refer to the majority, because people are too stupid to understand a generalisation)[REPLY] 1. I used the term "Moronites", not all Maronites. (notice I always use a term that doesn't actually refer to the majority, because people are too stupid to understand a generalisation)


It's really hard to see anyone in Lebanon aligning with them. Who among the main groups wants to do deals with Hezbollah? Definitely not the Druze. Hard to see the Hariris getting onboard. The Maronites? Their hopes likely lie w Assad. But Lebanon, it's a special place.


Je doute que les chrétiens maronites pleurent longtemps la mort de Nasrallah.


C'est officiel, on lance une première jam autour de la musique de jeu vidéo à Paris le 20 octobre prochain ! Pour tous ceux qui veulent écouter de la musique de jeu vidéo en live ou venir s'essayer à improviser sur ce répertoire 🎶 Hésitez pas à diffuser le plus possible !

Jam session musique de jeu vidéo
Le Petit Balcon, Dimanche 20 Octobre, 16-19h
48 rue des Maronites, 75020 Paris

#vss365 the sonic boom rattled the window in block 6 some sabbath days have sonorous replies to sermons others are silent after the bell calls to prayer but in block 6 the Maronites and Shi'ites and Sunni's see the cross and the star and the crescent in the exhaust of the missile


The part about how Israeli propaganda centers Christians in Lebanon was true in the 1980s but isn't today - Israelis no longer think much of Maronites; to the extent they have sectarian opinions, it's that Sunnis > Shi'as. But maybe Fox and other pro-Israel right-wing Christians do, I'm not sure.


Oh wait until you see their own join in on the hasbara. This is why I made the earlier post about “how it depends on which Christian (I was focused on Maronites) you ask” 🥴 (if it’s not clear, I hate this link I’m sharing lmao) *This* is the kind of shit Crimethinc should’ve been talking about 🙄

Who are Lebanon's Christians? - Philos Project
Who are Lebanon's Christians? - Philos Project

In recent decades, Lebanon's indigenous Christians have faced mounting persecution from Hezbollah, leading to dwindling numbers.


when you're a guest in somebody's home in Lebanon this is often what it looks like? she made us pumpkin kibbeh, meatless bc this was during Lent, and fatoush, and hummus; she and her family are Maronites, Christians who've been around since ~400 AD; will she die from an Israeli bomb tomorrow?


Schwester Rima aus dem Libanon besuchte mit 2 Begleitern Deutschland. Trotz des straffen Zeitplans ermöglichten Stadtdirektor David A. Lüngen und Jonas Höhmann einen gemeinsamen Termin im Rathaus der Stadt Mülheim an der Ruhr. #labdoo#libanon#lebanon#maronites#kloster#monastery#laptop

Collage aus 4 Fotos. 2 zeigen Schüler im Libanon, die an aus Deutschland gespendeten Laptops lernen. Dabei sitzen sie vor aufgeklappten Laptops, die vor einer weißen Wand und auf hellbraunen Holztischen stehen.
2 weitere Fotos wurden im Rathaus der Stadt Mülheim Ruhr aufgenommen. Auf einem Foto stehen von links nach rechts Stadtdirektor David A. Lüngen, Ralf Hamm von Labdoo, Schwester Rima und 2 Begleiter im Empfangsbereich vor einem Roll-Up von Labdoo, im Hintergrund Glasfenster und ein Treppenhaus. Das andere Foto ist in einem Besprechungsraum aufgenommen worden. Es zeigt einen Besucher aus dem Libanon bei der Übergabe der Präsente an Labdoo, als Dank für die IT-Spenden.

Evangelicals use cheap Haitian tricks (Hamas Kenyan Microsoft islamists employ Maronites for scarecrows) to avoid welcoming Latino immigrants out of fear we find out that not all S.Americans are black people, plus their Catholicism of “no extremism” might soften evangelicals from invading Europe.