Also, some bonus variants. A helmetless Vorox and Mata Nui with his loyal friend Click + the Vorox stinger, before it transformed into his sword. Was heavily inspired by the Sangheili, drawing Vorox. It just fits 🤌 #Bionicle#bioniclefanart#lego#glatorian#matanui#vorox#fanart#art#digitalart


Mata Nui, the legend reborn Vorox, primal species of Bara Magna You liked my Ackar and Kiina designs? Have some more! I'm having lots of fun drawing these, god damn! #Bionicle#bioniclefanart#lego#glatorian#matanui#vorox#fanart#art#digitalart


While it wasn't planned, it conveniently turned out the first half (orange to light blue) only features heroic characters, whereas the others are purely villains 😄 #bionicle#bioniclefanart#lego#vakama#matanui#matau#hahli#toa#matoran#turaga#fanart#art#digitalart


A random burst of inspiration, some weirdly inappropriate music, and now this piece exists, a sort of "book cover" style art piece titled "Legends of Mata Nui". #bionicle #bookcover #systemsearcher #matanui #bonkle #bonkles

A "book cover" imprinted on what appears to be a slab of stone, an abstract image of Mata Nui spread across in front of a circular shape, knotwork designs going all around him, with "Legends of Mata Nui" being written underneath him in Matoric.