E essa matéria do JN que fala do aumento dos MEIs mas não da pejotização dos empregos?


Kiana seeing two Meis, and Mei seeing another Mei. Hijinks ensue. Bless Sparkle for this comedy act


sharing more catullus translation backlog. they seem to be very good friends

c. 50

Hesterno, Licini, die otiosi multum lusimus in meis tabellis,
ut convenerat esse delicatos:
scribens versiculos uterque nostrum
ludebat numero modo hoc modo illoc, reddens mütua per iocum atque vinum.
Atque illinc abii tuo lepore incensus, Licini, facetiisque,
ut nec me miserum cibus iuvaret
nec somnus tegeret quiete ocellos, sed toto indomitus furore lecto
versarer, cupiens videre lucem,
ut tecum loquerer simulque ut essem.
At defessa labore membra postquam
semimortua lectulo iacebant,
hoc, iucunde, tibi poema feci,
ex quo perspiceres meum dolorem.
Nunc audax cave sis, precesque nostras, oramus, cave despuas, ocelle,
né poenas Nemesis reposcat a te.
Est vemens dea: laedere hanc caveto.
Yesterday, Licinius, at leisure
we played much on my writing tablets, as it had been agreed that we would be risqué:
both of us, writing our lines of poetry, was playing now in this meter, now in that one, giving and taking alongside jokes and wine.
And I departed from there inflamed by your charm and wit, Licinius, such that food couldn't help miserable me
nor did sleep clothe my little eyes with rest, but I tossed and turned on the whole couch
with untamed frenzy, wishing to see the light, so that I could speak with you and be with you.
My half-dead limbs lay on the couch afterwards, exhausted from exertion and mental anguish— but, delightful friend, I made this poem for you from which you might perceive my achings.
Now be wary of audacity, I beg you, and beware of spitting upon our prayers, little darling,
lest Nemesis demands penalties from you.
She is a vehement goddess: be wary of offending her.

EMPREENDEDORISMO | BNDES e Sebrae lançam programa de crédito para MEIs e pequenas empresas, com fundo de R$ 9,4 bi. Para ter acesso, o empreendedor deve ir ao banco habilitado e solicitar a operação. Acompanhe a EBC nas redes.


RIGHT... i wonder if we can make a space for our pets.... have ruan meis creations Frolic about..


Foi meis mor


E o pior. Eu tenho certeza que isso é EXCLUSIVO vozes da cabeça do lula pq a poucos meses saiu uma pesquisa onde mais de 60-70~% dos MEIs afirmavam que trocariam a atual situação por uma clt default. É aquilo "vou falar o que a internet quer".


dois meis e uns dias pro meu aniversauro D: