New resident after nearly two years without a dog in the Panning household. Thaddeus Minimus is significantly smaller than the former dog, and indeed than Albert the cat.

Albert the cat observing the new resident, Thaddeus Minimus.
The ferocious beast being entertained while waiting in the Target lot.
Nylabone and new dog bed for Thaddeus.

MDS eu vi um minimus lírios cruhs aqui e ele tá um gatinho


... and two pictures of one of the Alaptus minimus in the picture above.


A trio of 0.35mm long female Alaptus minimus parasitoid wasps of the Mymaridae found in Brede High Woods this morning before the rains set in. #UKWildlife#wasps#Mymaridae#Sussex#ento

three tiny grey wasps with fringed wings

Ich zünde hier mal ein Kerzchen für Plinius den Jüngeren an, der mir mein Latinum mit seinen Texten gerettet hat From: @Minimus


ClassicsTober 5 C.Plinius Secundus sororis filio legit de echinis (Pliny the Elder reads to his nephew about hedgehogs). C.Plinius Caecilius Secundus ridet: poma in spinis echinus ipse adfixit! (Pliny the Younger smiles: he stuck the apples on the hedgehog's prickles himself!) More in the alt text!

#ClassicsTober24 #fabulamurina
Minimus is Pliny the Elder and Silvius is his nephew Pliny the Younger. Minimus is reading to Silvius from his writing tablet. There's a hedgehog between them. with apples stuck on its spines. Minimus is quoting Pliny's Natural History 8.58: praeparant hiemi et echini cibos ac volutati supra iacentia poma adfixa spinis, unum amplius tenentes ore, portant in cavas arbores (Hedgehogs also prepare food for winter and, having rolled on fallen fruit and stuck it to their spines, holding one more fruit in their mouths, they carry it into hollow trees). Pliny's mistaken idea was widely believed for centuries - even Darwin fell for it!

Replacement of most backup diesel generators with batteries should see that de minimus in due course.


Darth Minimus