varliria (liri) - she/her - sith inquisitor - miraluka born on balmorra, liri and her twin sister lusi were forced to flee with their parents as children. their dad was killed, and liri was captured by the empire and made a slave. her strength in the force allowed her to train as a sith #swtor


varlusia (lusi) - she/her - jedi consular - miraluka born on balmorra, lusi and her twin sister liri were forced to flee with their parents as young children. their dad was killed, with liri assumed dead too. their mum took lusi to tython where she could train as a jedi #swtor


1 - Star Wars: The Old Republic Почну з гри через яку я підсіла на Зоряні Війни і в якій награла трошки більше 1000 годин :> Я люблю всім серцем цю гру, маю кілька табличок винятково по нашим з співавторкою ОСам з неї, вважаю що КОТФЕ/КОТЕТ мали бути сингловими іграми і.... Просто тащуся :.>

Text: "Love me, love me. Trust me with that heart of yours"

Two sith being very close to kiss and stab each other
Smuggler human Caroline looking down from a ladder at Imperial Agent chiss Ira
Text: "- Hey, kido. Are you really gonna go through this?
- Don't worry, Master. I'm going to find and I'm going to kill. Every. Last. One of them."

Drawing with my togruta jedi knight Gharres. On top she stands as a child during Sacking of Coruscant. Down - she stands as an adult, fully jedi knight with a purple lightsaber and covered in blood armour.
Miraluka Flileet and zabrak-sith pureblood Nemora laying on the floor and pillows covered in small panda like creatures.

A star wars Miraluka character! This one was a commission quite a while back now. Slowwwly working back through old art.😊


Bluesky’s open, Quote one art to promote yourself!


fun fact 1: demon hunters in Warcraft are inspired by the Miraluka from Star Wars fun fact 2: my gf's webcomic Eon's World features queer & trans furry Jedis in the vein of Sonic, Star Fox, & Star Trek therefore: i need a half-Mobian, half-Miraluka Jedi OC who dual-wields double-bladed lightsabers


These incredibly handsome guys are two of my rp partner’s characters that rp with my lovely ladies. The chiss is Klisd’anit’leza and the Miraluka is Anrigin. They were done by


Oops New 6 picture set just posted for supporters Miraluka Jedi is the commissioners OC Full set available at the link in my bio or by scanning the QR code in the picture!


* Kur'Ada Warrior - Miraluka Equalist * Fafniros - Dragon Aboard the Dragoon * Hiriss Moraana (Episode II design) * Harphscor - The Forceless Archfiend of Kashyyyk #gahmahraanart#starwars#fanfic#oc#starwarsoc#miralukaoc#mirialan#mirialanoc#art

Concept Art of a Kur'Ada warrior, a Force-blind Miraluka terrorist bearing cybernetic optics to compensate for their handicap.
Fafniros, a Forceless Archfiend that resembles a cyborg dragon.
Concept art of Hiriss Moraana - the half-Mirialan half-human cousin of Dynn Manthis - for Paranormalities: Episode II.
Concept art of Harphscor, a sadistic Forceless Archfiend that looks like a human-headed amphithere and has a stinger that can secrete Black Matter and create lesser Forceless symbiotes.

* Gestroma on Taris * Zolph's Nightmare * Juganak * Mandoculus #gahmahraanart#starwars#oc#art#fanfic#miraluka#miralukaoc

Cover art of Gestroma, a fully-armored alien bounty hunter, firing a rotary blaster cannon. A minor continuity error with this design is that Gestroma is supposed to have have four-fingered hands and not five.
A cover piece for chapter of Paranormalities: Episode II. This is from Zolph Vaelor's perspective as he's experiencing a nightmarish hallucination in the Dark Side cave on Dagobah. Shown here is a hallucination of the fully Forceless-possessed Dynn Manthis trying to pin Zolph down on the ground before trying to kill him with her stomach-bound teeth. A minor artistic error I made is in regards to the hair gravity.
A cover piece of Juganak (real name: Argem Nylek), a muscle-bound Miraluka (a near-human species that are physically blind and see through the Force instead) ex-Jedi with superhuman strength who serves as a commander in the Valkoran Empire. He's also the former master of Maesterus (real name: Seferin Vaelor).
Concept art of the Forceless Archfiend, Mandoculus.