Rob still thinks they might feel like they had been misled! I disagree.


Presumably the only commonality these people have is that they absolutely don’t blame Trump, and to the extent they directly connect their woes to Trump Social they successfully convince themselves that he holds no responsibility and as usual is being misled or not informed by his underlings.


I'm grateful for voting. Given the choice between candidates I'll choose the one who causes less harm. But the surreality is so intense. Every four years in November we learn exactly how monstrous or misled the bulk of voters in our country are.


Honestly, if you’re turning depression outward, that’s just called anger again. I was raised angry. Eventually, far too late, I read Dr Patricia Evans’ book _The Verbally Abusive Relationship_ and discovered the axis of error. Men need to discover how they’ve been misled.


Nah. It’s Ivanka and Jared who have the go bags packed. Jr. and Eric are collectively too stupid to pre-pack and will try to bumble their way out of the country. Though again with the being too stupid get off of any crimes what with being misled by daddy-o and Miller and others.


🕹️🔍 Gamedle (Guess mode): 05/10/2024 🟥🟨🟨🟨🟨🟥🟩⬜⬜⬜> holy SHIT what counts as a "franchise" for this misled and confused me

Gamedle (guess)
Gamedle (guess)

Guess the videogame. New videogame cover everyday.


I got these two little lovelies' (back and front images on both) *only clipped for* 1. bad camera skills 2. remove personal data. It's fortunate that I voted yesterday and was not potentially misled by the gross misrepresentation of Vice President Harris' stance on the issue of vouchers. CentralKy

The First Image, Side One; Contains a photo of VP Harris walking with President Biden. They are smiling and laughing and generally, in a happy mood. It appears to come from a stock photo. Superimposed between them is a chalkboard with the ECONOMY and 2021-present written underneath. A line graph going downward in a spiky crash is written below. 

Radical Politicians and Special Interests 
are Ruining Our Economy ...
Making it harder for
young people to get a job ...
Buy a house ...
And start their careers.
{We need to give
parents and teachers
every tool possible
to support our future
and our students.}
Don't Let Radical Politicians Win.
[T]o Put Our Students
[a]nd Teachers First.
[N]ovember 5th
[le]arn more at

end of text on this image except text described on the chalkboard.
Items in the [ ] are what it probably said as I remember it but I accidentally cut the image off there, my bad
Picture One Side Two: Young Black Woman dressed in a science outfit holding a beaker. A much younger white boy dressed in a suit carrying a newspaper, and holding up a cup of coffee. Third is a young man older than the boy. He's in a construction outfit. They all appear to be stock images layered together. The images are all different qualities a lazy effort. A golden badge with writing on it is above them. The text starts to the right of these images
Transcribed below is the text
& It Starts Right Now
The Future of Kentucky Starts Today
It starts with our friends, family, and neighbors standing up for Amendment 2
We have the opportunity to strengthen our local community by providing
much-needed training for all Kentucky students
For Our Children
Amendment 2 will provide critical resources to our students
to ensure that they have the education and experience
they need to pursue their dreams
More of same sry no more space for alt txt
Picture Two Side One: Image two sheets of paper on a table with office supplies and stuff. First paper reads
ON 2
New School Year. New Possibilities
Make Kentucky Education Great Again!
Passing Amendment 2 is about better education
for Kentucky students ...
Empowers(sic) parents with options that give
them a say in their children's education
Protects public school funding 
Gives Kentucky parents and
students opportunities like those
available in 48 other states
Helps teachers earn more with
new employment opportunities
Opens doors for low-income
and underperforming students
to achieve and succeed
Vote YES on Amendment 2
Tue, Nov 5th
Read the amendment at
The other paper is of the amendment I'll do a photo with its text as this is running long as well and I wanted to mention why this was included. It is from the same people as the other mailer that suggested VP Harris approved the Amendment, she doesn't. Its vouchers (spolier) 🤭
All text in this image of the first side of the second sheet in the previous picture
Amendment to the
Kentucky Constitution
It is Proposed That a New Section
Be Added to The Constitution of
Kentucky to Read as Follows:
The General Assembly may provide
financial support for the education
of students outside the system
of common schools. The General Assembly may exercise this
authority by law, Sections 59, 60,
171, 183, 184, 186, and 189 of this
Constitution notwithstanding.
{circle filled in black}Yes
{circle not filled in}No
There is also an image of a pen, and someone should check but I don't remember the text being this on my ballot... 🤔

It was money and I just felt like I was misled about the price of his initial care. I have been feeling stressed lately and I had a real “Karen” moment. (Sorry to all Karen’s, who are mostly very nice). Will make it right. There, that’s my confession! 😅


If you have been told that statins don’t work for women you have been misled.


The same thing that happens when the general population has a number of easily misled fools. Eventually, the whole thing collapses under the weight of stupidity or corruption. At the end of the day it's depressing either way you decide to cut the cake.