Orbiting in the plane of Saturn's rings, Saturnian moons have a perpetual ringside view of the gorgeous gas giant planet. Of course, while passing near the ring plane the Cassini spacecraft also shares their stunning perspective. The rings themselves can be seen slicing across the middle of this


Ringside with Titan and Dione Source: Saturn #SatunRings#Titan#Dione #assini#Space #SolaSystem#Moons #GsGiant #Planetarycience #Asronomy #Astrohysic #NASA #Spaecraft #RinShadow #Amazing

A close-up image of Saturn, captured by the Cassini spacecraft, showcasing Titan and Dione with the rings in the foreground. Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, appears as a large, hazy sphere with Dione, the third largest moon, visible through its atmosphere. The rings cast arcing shadows across Saturn's cloud tops at the bottom of the frame.

Some people get “clouds in their coffee.” I get crescent moons.

Photo oh a coffee cup reflecting light in a crescent shape with toast, hot sauce and the green cover of the book I’m reading in West Side Diner in Providence RI

Europa, one of the four large moons of Jupiter first seen by Galileo 414 years ago, may have a deep, salty, global ocean hidden beneath a thick crust of ice. NASA is poised to send a jumbo robotic probe to see if the icy moon has the key characteristics of a habitable world.

Can an icy Jupiter moon sustain life? NASA’s biggest space probe will investigate.
Can an icy Jupiter moon sustain life? NASA’s biggest space probe will investigate.

NASA is set to launch a jumbo spacecraft, Europa Clipper, to see if an icy moon of Jupiter has the characteristics of a habitable world.


[nodding seriously] OMINOUS

Red rocky Mars canyon landscape with two people in vaccsuits in the foreground, a huge mountain and two moons in the distance

from TOTAL RECALL (1990)

Perhaps not exactly what you are looking for, but I have a love fur dark cityscapes lit by massive moons

Archie repairing a roof, she is suspended by her waist to a floating broom piloted by cookie. A cityscape silhouette fills the background under a starry sky and a massive moon

🎶Tonight, tonight, The world is full of light, With suns and moons all over the place. Tonight, tonight, The world is wild and bright, Going mad, shooting sparks into space.🎶 #Hastings bonfire, waiting.