After-school the last 4 weeks 6 students explored different bodies of water. We kayaked Sebec,Brahnā€™s,Spectacle and Moosehead. Today ended this yearsā€™ kayaking with a paddle and cookout at Lily Bay. If you are not aware.(If there's a rock or log in water teenagers will climb.)


Moosehead beer and maple syrup šŸ˜‚


Without downloading any new pics, where are you mentally? Also, physically.


We went to MLSW Moosehead Lake Sky Watch. Excellent!


During the last week of August I visited the Moosehead lake region of Northern Maine, where it's been a very rainy summer. A very good time for mushrooms. šŸ“· #mushrooms#photography

Three bright red-orange mushrooms in the center of the picture growing out of a deep bead of green moss. The youngest on the left is obscured by the shorter of the more mature mushrooms. The most mature mushroom has a healed split that is colored yellow. The background outside the depth of focus is mostly dark browns and greens of the undergrowth.
Three mushrooms growing out of moss on the edge of the trail, as there are exposed tree roots in the foreground. The small brown mushroom partially obscured by an evergreen leaves on the left has a fully open cap with water covering the top. In the middle there is a large golden brown polypore mushroom, with is a very small dark brown mushroom just peaking out of the moss to the left of the big mushroom. In the background there is forest litter, with a fallen birch log.
A closeup of a young golden brown mushroom emerging diagonally from the northern forest litter a mix of brown pine needles and light green lichen covered twigs. The head of the mushroom has started to turn vertical to correct for the tilt.
A mushroom growing on the forest floor with an ivory cap decorated with tangled brown fibrous strands forming a lovely mottled pattern. Hanging from the rim of the cap are shreds of the veil, with a dark brown stem, growing out of a mix of moss, dead leaves and undergrowth.  Outside the field of focus is a mix of green undergrowth, brown and gray branches,  flashes of sunshine.

A very luxurious looking woolybear caterpillar in the very rainy Moosehead Lake Region of Northern Maine resting on a signpost after a rainstorm. šŸ“· #invertebrates

A caterpillar with a very hairy black head and an equally hairy red-brown thorax and abdomen. The caterpillar's thorax and abdomen are covered with much longer ginger colored guard hairs interspersed with rain water beads all over its body. It is resting head upward on a new unpainted untreated wooden signpost.

I haven't seen one either, so I've come to a very scientific conclusion based solely on my experiences and my experiences alone.

The cover of a children's book titled "Here's the deal... moose aren't real!". It shows the drawn digurw if a boy, looking through binoculars with a shocked expression directly into the eyes of a moosehead.

Drink a union made Moosehead instead. šŸ‘