during the race less buttons more or less and more communication with your engineers. Can I ask you who that question is to? Who do you want to answer it? HE SAID HE SAID! HE said Nico and myself! You didn't listen? Can you repeat the question?


"don't you have a bed to sleep in?" no, because the "friend" i live with thinks her gundam collection is far more important than my request for even a cheap air mattress. i sleep on a blanket, on the floor, surrounded by boxes and old furniture. i literally live in a storage room. i hate it.


the diagonal layout and middle button map more easily to actual dance steps because you can clearly see when you're meant to use your left foot and when you're meant to use your right. that's a pretty huge change from DDR and it means you're jumping less and moving more smoothly!


How the hell can Trump be running neck-and-neck with Harris? Let me tell you. And why I remain optimistic --- How ? Unrestricted and unimpeded LYING a lot every day, spreading ever more HATE. With full blast from Tantrum_p and the blessing of his master: Putin.




the more i see of this game the less I understand it. what do u mean this poker game has boss battles. is that an among us. what is going on /LH


me: hey what if we did [this thing] team: okay but what if we used [tool] to do it in a more complex way


as a DDR purist for as long as I can remember, playing Pump It Up for essentially the first time -- PIU is a better-feeling dance game that allows for more smooth movements, while DDR is much more of a fitness/jump around and get tired kinda game. no hate either way, but!


Yeah, they are very chill. My favourite wasps are the french field wasps though; super chill, no lust for anything we eat or drink, pretty and tiny nests with like only a dozen wasps or something, still prevent more annoying cousins to settle nearby.


I completely understand I tend to ignore most of the fans and half the darkly grim grimdark edgelord aspects of the lore. But if you want something on the lighter side of 40k to get your toes wet read the Caiaphas Cain books, the fans of those also tend to be on the more easygoing side as well.