most of the mosses in my moss library are stolen from public places that scrape moss away regularly. i'm so happy my little babies are alive and thriving and not scraped all to shit. most of them had surprise seeds in them and have grown all kinds of random plants in the past six months or so.


I've had a border at the front of the house in progress for most of the year, i'd cleared it, but procrastinated on planting (dark wet border) but i've started with ferns and rocks and moss, and used the overgrown ferns from my terrarium, so i've replanted it with baby ferns and new moss.

Corked glass jar containing newly planted mosses and ferns.

The final two are done, and so is the group shot! Now on to the shenanigans! >:3c

K'lory is a scruffy looking Leafeon in the styling of a Druid. He wears very little in the way of clothing- A simple shawl crafted from long leaves hangs on his shoulders and a single leaf protects his modesty (What little he has). He wields a gnarled wooden staff festooned with gems, mosses and natural fibers, and summons a burst of nature magic from his other hand. His hair-fur grows long and untamed and he wears a carefree expression on his face.
Valka is a lithe female Luxray in the styling of a monk. She wears a stylized, skintight cheongsam and side-tie underwear with wraps around her legs. Two sets of three golden rings sit as bangles on her forearms, and her mane is pulled back by a ribbon. She has a severe glare on her face, and her hands are raised in a ready-to-fight pose. Her piercing eyes can see perfectly in darkness and through other obstructions like fog and smoke. Lightning-quick reflexes let her snatch missiles from the air, and electricity arcs from every punch and kick.
Six anthropomorphised pokemon stand in line with each other. From left to right, Ignitus the Braixen wizard, Clodd the Mudsdale barbarian, Noxi the Salandit rogue, Blanche the Miltanke cleric, Valka the Luxray monk, and K'lory the Leafeon druid.

💭💭💭 arnaldo fritz com o nariz igual do francis mosses


I really love the richness of colour and the mad profusion of life packed into this tiny space. #Eryri#Biodiversity

Close up photo of small brown fungi, bright green mosses, brambles and more.

🧵8/15 Marsh grasses, ferns, and at least a dozen species of moss grew among gnarled dwarf spruce. Shaggy, stringy mosses hung from dead trees like long gray beards. The last bog was the largest — channels of brown water twisting through stunted spruce and full-sized cedar,


Hall of Mosses, Hoh Rainforest, WashingtonHall of Mosses, Hoh Rainforest, Washington

Mossy trees and ferns, Hoh Rainforest, Washington

I think you've been elected Mosses. Congrats.


The beauty of greenness. Some common mosses. Perfect in form.

Hypnum cupressiforme
Polytrichum formosum
Isothecium myosuroides
Dicranella heteromalla

like bogs & mosses in neglected countrys, for want of culture - but I am far from being convincd that the desird end is or will be attaind at present while cant & hypocrisy are blasphemously allowd to make a mask of religion, & to pass as current characters I will not say that this is universal,...