ummm, i dont have other drawings of my #oc#shiitake#lechuga#mynte

This is a profile drawing of Mynte Chocolat, Shiitake, and Lechuga, whom I consider family. They are all part of a brotherhood depicted by the blue beaded charms on them (on Mynte's ankle, Shiitake's neck, and Lechuga's wrist.) There is some description about the 3 guys written. For Mynte Chocolat, it reads that she uses she/her pronouns and is a Miqote, which is the cat-like race in FFXIV). She is the adult and the eldest of the siblings probably about 29-30 years old and is regarded as Estinien's wife. Shiitake's reads that they use they/them pronouns and is a fox? or raccoon? or a cat? like person. They are also an adult probably about 25 years old. Lastly is Lechuga who uses he/him pronouns and is a pup boy in spirit though not actually retaining any animalistic character trait like Mynte and Shiitake. He is also an adult and is probably 19. Lechuga is actually from my time playing Maple Story online.

starting with my humanoid ocs with ... mynte chocolat ft. estinien from ffxiv LOL #mynte#oc more information on the next slide about her...

This is the first ever drawing I've done of estinien and mynte tbh like I think this is BEFORE i started playing ffxiv with my friend. You can see mynte in the top right corner and the little blue cat and in the lower right corner as a size comparison.
This is a messy sketch collage of Mynte Chocolate in varying positions being cutesy. There are also photos of her in ffxiv the game.
This is another compilated of messy sketches with some color during the Yokai Watch event because I really wanted Komasan for Mynte, but I also drew my friend's lalafell and Estinien in the heart.
Actual picture of my Dragoon Wol, Mynte and Estinien.. in his dragoon armor.

hiiii (this scary, helppp) I'm Mynte or you can also call me Mint c: Just here to have a good time and goof around ig, don't expect too much smort things coming from me pls :p


Ikke for å være kranglete, men det finnes en million oppskrifter på tzatziki som ikke bruker mynte, og det er fremdeles tzatziki. :P


Da har du ikke laga tzatziki, for å si det sånn.... men jeg syns den er like god uten mynte, med bare en haug hvitløk og pepper.


Kjøpte persille i stedet for mynte til tzatziki fordi jeg er en jævla dork. Helt uspiselig!


Bittelitt. Men det var farlige greier på nachspiel. Godt med et dryss fersk mynte på.


Laktosefri yoghurt, med tahini, hvitløk, bladpersille og mynte.


Daal og mynte omg ja jeg er sulten sjæl


Og skal sies. Jeg sådde mynte ett år. Kom tilbake år to. År tre? Stein dau. Jeg har talent!