And here's the whole alphabet - glad you enjoyed it - need to go and make more art now! #imaginaryAnimals#mythicalBeasts#animalAlphabet#kidlit

An illlustrated alphabet poster of imaginary animals, from A for Amphisbaena to Z for Zouyu, via Dragon, Roc and Unicorn

Z is for Zouyu (last one!) - a white tiger with black spots and a vergetarian diet, that appears during the reign of a benevolent ruler (speculation on Wikipedia that this gentle spotty vegetarian cat may actually be an allusion to the giant panda) #zouyu#imaginaryAnimals#mythicalBeasts#kidlit

A drawing of a silver letter Z on which stands a tiger-like creature, white with black spots

Y is for Yale - a heraldic beast with spots and tusks and large horns, also known as a centicore. I first encountered one as a statue at Hampton Court (back when I was hoping to marry Henry VIII) #yale#centicore#mythicalBeasts#imaginaryAnimals#kidlit

A drawing of a dark blue letter Y, on which leans a yellow yale (a heraldic antelope-like beast with spots, tusks, and large horns)

X is fo Xiuhcōātl the turquoise serpent, an Aztec god of fire. The picture's partly based on the two-headed Aztec serpent at the British Museum. Nearly at the end of the alphabet! #xiuhcoatl#mythicalBeasts#imaginaryAnimals#kidlit

A drawing of a bronze X, through which climbs a turquoise serpent with a pointy tail, two front claws and a grinning mouth with sharp teeth

W is for Wyvern - basically, a two legged dragon #wyvern#kidlit#imaginaryAnimals#mythicalBeasts

A picture of a dark blue W, in which perches a purple wyvern (a two legged dragon) drawn in somewhat heraldic style

V is for Valkyrie - my and S.'s favourite! Here she is singing some Wagner and looking for some corpses to drag from the battlefield to Valhalla #valkyrie#kidlit#imaginaryCreatures#mythicalBeasts

A gold V through which strides a Valkyrie - she is singing - she has armour, red plaits and freckles, a horned helmet, shield, spear, drinking horn - a rather bedraggled raven perches on top of the V

T is for Tanuki - a Japanese raccoon dog - specifically a bake-danuki - a magic tanuki with shapeshifting powers, here transforming itself into a teapot, as in the fairy tale Bunbuku Chagama #kitlit#mythicalBeasts#imaginaryAnimals#tanuki#bake-danuki#bunbukuChagama

A drawing of a silver letter T, past which runs a creature with the body of a teapot with steam coming out, and the head, tail and legs of a Japanese raccoon tog

R is for Roc - the enormous bird from the One Thousand and One Nights - here shown carrying an elephant in its talons to feed to its nestlings #roc#kidlit#mythicalBeasts#imaginaryAnimals#1001nights#arabianNights

A drawing of a dark blue letter R through which flies an enormous bird with an open yellow beak, carrying an tiny-by-comparison elephant in its claws

J is for the ferocious jackalope - a jackrabbit with antelope horns that terrifies the hunters of Wyoming #jackalope#mythicalBeasts#imaginaryAnimals#kidlit

A large blue J in which sits a cheerful looking rabbit with antelope horns

I is for Ifrit - a powerful demon in Islamic morphology. This one is from the "fisherman and the jinni" story in the 1001 Nights. The fisherman fishes up a sealed bottle containing an ifrit, and has to trick it back into the bottle. #ifrit#jinni#jinn#imaginaryCreatures#mythicalBeasts#kidlit

A drawing of a gold letter I, behind which a grinning dark blue ifrit emerges from a bottle - he has horns and lots of gold jewellery