Ah non, pas comparable Faut juste pas s’arrêter à Naha, mais aller sur les autres iles/archipels


Photos of the Naha Festival 2024. Hatagashira 那覇祭り2024年。旗頭 #nahamatsuri2024#hatagashira#festival#event#photography#okinawa#japan#traditional#okinawa_photo_communitynt#photography#okinawa#japan#traditional#okinawa_photo_community

A colorful decorative pole with floral elements and a banner stands in the foreground, while a train moves along an elevated track in the background. The sky is clear with few clouds.
A group of men in traditional black garments participate in a festival, lifting a bamboo pole. The scene captures their effort and determination, with spectators in the background observing the event.
A young woman wearing traditional attire plays a large shell horn, surrounded by a small audience. Some spectators are taking photos while others watch attentively.
A group of people in traditional black clothing participates in a cultural event, holding a large banner and a decorated pole with flames at the top. The scene takes place outdoors, with urban buildings and a palm tree in the background.

Kan nån förklara för mig, som att jag på riktigt är fem år, varför V i opposition är så jävla tama? Det är ju öppet mål hela tiden och de ba ursäkta bäste herrn skulle ni kunna tänka er att inte torka er i anus med arbetare utan bara kissa på oss nähä okej vi försökte i alla fall


Nähä, om jag skulle be lilla Bobby Tables att höra frukost till mig


these super early morning shots are so pretty and atmospheric

A shot of Naha in the morning
Reki and Langa sleeping on the monorail
A shot of the early morning sky and a large building sign
Reki and Langa sitting on a bench by a busy sidewalk

Originally, I tried to pinpoint where in Okinawa this all takes place, but it looks like inspiration comes from different parts of the islands so I made up a landmass on the map. Here's Naha & the shopping district in Stella Maris vs. Ishigaki Island & Okinawa from Submarine.


帰りに搭乗するBoeing 777(トリプル)。 This photo was taken with Xiaomi 14 Ultra. #mobilephotography#bluesky#cloud#sky#photo#Xiaomi14Ultra#japan#photography#ana#okinawa#naha#nahaairport#b777

帰りに搭乗するBoeing 777(トリプル)。

This photo was taken with Xiaomi 14 Ultra.

#mobilephotography #bluesky #cloud #sky #photo #Xiaomi14Ultra #japan #photography #ana #okinawa #naha #nahaairport #b777
0 Reupload for Bluesky featuring GG8’s Naha hunk!


Calling All Cosplayers‼️ Repost with your favorite cosplay picture of yours. This shoot I did for the Sk8 Runway Naha zine make me feel real cool. Fun fact- a pro model was doing shoots in this same alley and gave me a big compliment. Probably helped me out! 📸by Aubry Aragon Photography