Labour needs to replace Chris Hipkins as leader if they want to beat National next election, National might be dropping in popularity but Chris Hipkins leadership of Labour is fracturing Labour from the inside with his neoliberalism & reversal of multiple of Labours progressive policies #nzpol

A screenshot of a text excerpt discussing internal tensions within the New Zealand Labour Party. It mentions that Prime Minister Chris Hipkins reassured his party that “all taxes were back on the table” after the election. At the same time, he demoted David Parker to number 19 in the caucus rankings, far from any finance or revenue portfolios. The text goes on to describe a “simmering, seething anger” within some Labour factions due to these actions, leading to a deep distrust that the Hipkins-led party will pursue tax reform, even if the party agrees on a policy.

the amount of innocent people and precious babies about to die yet again while we get it live streamed and are told by greedy cowards that actually, the white supremacist attack dog with rabies is defending itself in the form of genocide There is no red line for neoliberalism. Fuck them all to hell


100%. His neoliberalism sucked a lot, his backing of Indonesia was atrocious, and giving money to the El Salvador junta enabled violence. But he was at least more realistic with the public than Reagan.


I don't think I'm disagreeing with your thesis. I agree the bulwark strategy/fantasy has been deployed by liberal parties across Europe. But likewise I see those bulwark parties forced to abandon this tactic, as soon as cooperation with the far-right is the only way to maintain radical neoliberalism


the election actually makes perfect sense when you consider “Trump” the id-shadow of “Biden”’s ego(??) the parties are not the same, but the Rs + T are the logical endpoint of neoliberalism, partisan politics and casualties of truth—things the Ds hold close while ostensibly trying to make thngs betr


I didn't know this term but one reason I deactivated Twitter again this week was how hysterical the right wingers got when I pointed out that the notion of elite panic was a product of post-Reagan neoliberalism. Boy howdy did that bring out the trolls.


Decades of neoliberalism and anti communist propaganda is the short of it.


Until the Clinton era dems go to pasture.. things are hard to predict. They embraced Neoliberalism, which is the biggest issue economically hurting the working class. Biden was the 1st since Clinton on the DEMS to not buy into that sh!t!


Evidence of a deep, radical misunderstanding of government spending across the political spectrum. Decades of neoliberalism and the bumper-sticker sloganeering of “Chicago economics” has done a real number on the American mind, so we gleefully fight the “other” for scraps from the corporate buffet.