#NerdAlert Discussing “Decolonizing Science Communication” at TNG’s recent Writers’ Retreat in Pittsburgh!


I studied Latin for 4 years is grades 7-10. I still find myself using what I learned there. If you had told teenage me that I’d be texting Latin phrases in 2024 I’d have never believed you. And yet, here we are. #NerdAlert

Screen shot from Messages app showing bottom of picture in upper left showing two people’s feet and running showed, text below picture reads

Fun memory from 11 years ago

Blue reply text reads 

Wow, tempus fugit

I'm having noodles for tea. I'm a proper chuffin student me 😄. One more lecture tonight and then I can have a day off watching planes tomorrow. #NerdAlert 🚨


Why yes, I did create an AI Latin tutor this morning. I challenge *anyone* to out-nerd that statement. I am pleasantly shocked at how quickly it's coming back, and I have to laugh each time it corrects me...because I made it British, salty, and sarcastic. Naturally. 🤣 #latin#latinnerd#nerdalert

a man in a suit and tie says welcome to the nerd zone
a man in a suit and tie says welcome to the nerd zone

ALT: a man in a suit and tie says welcome to the nerd zone


Starting a new kit card. Can you deduce what it will become from this fraction of a layer? #3DPrinting#NerdAlert

Gold 3D print bed and black Ender sprite hot-end with silver grey filament forming rectangular kit card. Only a few lines if filament are visible but you can see 2 rectangular sections and one large round saucer shape.

We went all out and packed in another two State Capitol buildings yesterday - Hartford CT & Albany NY! ❤️🏫 Our total is now 5 in 4 days 😁 #nerdalert


Ope. It’s finally here! #nerdalert#zelda


Another amazing weekend at Dublin Comic Con last week!! 😃 Thank you so much to everyone who stopped by my stall, who supported me and my small business, and helped make the weekend such a success!! 🥰❤️ 🧶 #dublincomiccon#comiccon#lilbitsbylillie#smallirishbusiness#nerdalert#handmade