Flavor Text Transcriptions can occasionally go over 2000 characters, which results in the alt text being truncated. They are not truncated on my site.

Mika introduces the comic by saying, "Hello! This comic was written to be read like old officially translated manga that was mirrored."

Mika is a small girl with bright red hair, pigtails, bangs in her eyes, with red eyes, and a great big smile that has pronounced front teeth. Mika is wearing a T-Shirt with black sleeves and a dark oval on the chest, as well as a pair of black pants. Mika has a red theme and all of her lines have a red tint to them.

There is a small demonstration example of three comic panels depicting two stick figures meeting, speaking, and then kissing, with 5 speech bubbles with numbers on them indicating the order you are meant to read.

Mika continues, "That means it's read from left to right!"

Mika stands before us holding her hand out with her palm up beneath her words, presenting what she's saying to us.

Mika adds, "Also, if the text is hard to read you can find text transcriptions including image descriptions at"

Mika is holding a small dark blue rectangle with a red loop dangling from the top of it. It appears to be something like a convention badge.

"Enjoy the show!
A comic page with several panels and a lot of text. At the top left corner it says "Flavor Text, Chapter 1".

A blue lanyard rectangular pass with a red loop dangling from the top of it reads "All Access Back Stage Pass"

Shiné is a blonde haired woman with a long ponytail and bangs that hang in front of her eyes and on the sides of her head. She has dark blue eyes and wears a white shirt with dark beige pants. Shiné has an unamused expression as she holds the lanyard in her hand and reads it.

Mika, who stands a full head shorter than Shiné, looks up at her, saying "It's a present from Alex! He's holding a concert outside our house!"

Shiné tosses the pass aside, proclaiming "As if I'd accept something like this!" to Mika's confusion.

"Ah??" Mika exclaims, then reaches down to pick up the pass off the floor. "I don't get it. Why do you hate Alex so much?"

Shiné answers, "He's my ex. We dated, he turned into a jerk, and I broke up with him."

"I know, but that was four years ago," Mika says, standing back up straight, holding the pass.

"He said this was his way of extending an olive branch," Mika adds presenting the pass to Shiné once again.

Shiné glowers and says, "The only way he'd do that is if I were allergic to olives."
Mika holds the pass up to Shiné with a cheerful smile. She says, "Well whether you go or not doesn't matter to my quest. Would you please take the pass so I can mark the delivery as complete?"

Shiné closes her eyes and gives a pained slight smile, agreeing. "Alright fine, give it here." she says, holding out her hand for Mika to hand it to her.

"OK!" Mika exclaims. Mika's arms stretch to triple their normal length as she reaches forward and puts the loop of the lanyard necklace up and over Shinés head and around her neck. Shiné's hair bristles and her eyes open up wide with surprise.
"And sent!" Mika cheers, tapping her finger on a floating rectangle with a picture of Shiné wearing the pass from the perspective of Mika. On the screen, Shiné is more detailed and in full color. She is wearing a green shirt, the blue pass around her neck, and her hair is noticeably bright yellow with golden orange highlights.

"That's 1000 QP in the bank." Mika announces.

"A thousand to deliver a pass??" Shiné asks with a grumpy look on her face.

"1000 for a picture of you wearing it," Mika clarifies.

Shiné grips the pass in her hand and shouts, "If it's for a photo then he should be paying you in Bux, not QP!"

Mika starts walking away from Shiné, saying, "Oh it's just a proof requirement!" Mika waves her hand in the air, looking back at Shiné and sings, "Anyway seeyaaa!"

Shiné examines the pass with a look of frustration as a bright red light, just out of frame glows, scattering red light over Shiné's face and hair, while a low hum is heard coming from the light. Shiné ignores this, more concerned with the pass. The light goes out just as quickly as it came, and Mika is gone.

From off screen there is a voice that says, "Do you need me to babysit Heather for the night, then?"

Shiné turns her grumpy expression to look at a blue table with a blanket hanging from the sides like curtains. A japanese style kotatsu.

Popping their head out from under the table is a woman with blue hair, yellow eyes, white gloves with black stars on the back of them, a white scarf, and a black hat that has an emoticon emblazoned on it that looks like a smiling cat's face. The hat also has holes cut into it to make way for a pair of cat ears, the same color as her dark blue hair with white tufts of hair growing on the inside.

This woman's name is Shædo. She smiles with open curiosity, lying her stomach flat on the floor with her elbows out to the sides and her hands near her chin, which is very slightly raised off the floor, much the way a cat might lie down.



Request sent! I’m newrem on there 🙂


Request sent! My handle is Newrem 😊


Request sent! I’m Newrem on there.


Request on Switch sent! I'm Newrem, Thundercox...


Just sent you a friend request on Switch. I’m Newrem 😊