#nightclaws#logurt#xmen i love short bisexual bitches


Talking about my feeds and i have the perfect excuse to drop some screenshots of my Novel's website i'm building! I'm rebuilding the code because exams, but ye know LOL It's still the same design with some modifications here and there UwUTalking about my feeds and i have the perfect excuse to drop some screenshots of my Novel's website i'm building! I'm rebuilding the code because exams, but ye know LOL It's still the same design with some modifications here and there UwU

Connection widget for my Novels website. The overall design of the website is elegant and gothic made of black red and gold. A picture of a baroque golden roses and vines are in the top right corner.

The login widget itself is the height of the screen and the background is the picture for the first Novel displaying the distorted and demonic face of the infamous King of Bones.

The cover itself is black in the background with specs of colors, mainly the gums being pink, the horns being orange-y yellow and the hair being deep dark red. While the lineart is a beautiful gold.

You can see the usual inputs for a login screen. The username, The password, the checkbox to keep being logged-in, the login button itself which is gold with a shading going darker on the bottom of the button. The "Forgot Password?" link in yellow-ocher color with at the bottom "Don't have an account?" in white and the link "Sing-up!" being the same yellow color as the other links.
The first part of the index of the website. The overall design of the website is elegant and gothic made of black red and gold. A picture of a baroque golden roses and vines are in the top right corner.

At the top can be seen the top fixed menu (following you as you scroll on the page) displaying the buttons for Login and Sin-up! Indicative of someone having no account. Next there is the link "Français" that can be toggled to change the website from English to french.

The logo of the site (and the novel the site is about) is a black with golden writing merging a clock and magical circles with the roman number of older clocks.

From the clock seem to be coming sparkled and golden dust that stays behind the main title "The 12 Immortals of Shadows" and under the main title, there is the the subtitle of the first novel "The King of Bones". The letters are black while the border of said letters are a bright red.

The first header of the page is the words "Welcome to this broken universe" in a light gold color. Below that is the introduction of the whole universe of the novel in a silver color for the writing while the whole is surrounded by a border or bright red, the backdrop of the introduction is a darker red.

The introduction is as follow (only the 2 first paragraphs are visible on the screenshot);
For millennia, the old gods have been long gone, The Pillars of Creation, the most powerful amongst the gods, have been unseen for eons disappearing without leaving a trace. Without them around, Life has been flourishing without restriction, procreating and discovering new land and new technology.

Angels and Demons have been hidden from the sight of Humans and the Faes, creatures of magic have disappeared, creating the perfect grounds for the ascendance and dominion of humans. However, a plague from the old ages surfacing again is the dark augur of an ancient foe rising from the ashes once more.

Without the Old Gods to stop this foe, there is little hope for a brighter future, if this Old Threat raises again, Destruction will prevail and life will wither and die.
Below the introduction of the website is the main Navigation displayed this way only on the index page. In the screen shot we can see 8 blocks or a bright red color with the backdrop being a darker red. With an icon on each in a ocher color while under it is the name of the pages.

The links of the first row are as follow;
Icon of an open book. Chronicles.
Icon of 3 characters with one being in front. Characters.
An icon of 2 hands seemingly holding a small person. Deities.
The icon of an open hands with 3 sparkles on and around it. Magic & Elements.

The second row is as follow;
2 crossed swords with their tips toward the sky. Factions.
A skull with 2 cross bones under it. Disaster Levels.
A planet with a darker ring around it (think of saturns and it's rings). Worlds & Realms.
A paw with visible claws. Bestiary.
Here is displayed the Chronicles page, where we can read the Main Storyline aka. The Novels itself.

The first novel is displayed with an intricate red border surrounding the description and part of the cover of the first novel.

The King of bones as the header for the novel displayed in pretty cursive king of letter (without being entirely cursive writing, I'm Dyslexic i couldn't read my own website otherwise LOL)

there is a bar separating the title from the description below, in the middle of the separator can be seen a tiny feather icon.

On the right side of the div can be seen the upper top (from under the eyes) of the King of Bones (same description as the Login widget same it's the same picture)

On the far left of the screenshot we can see the main navigation visible from anywhere on the website beside the index page. These are the same icons than the one displyed as the main navigation on the index page. However they are smaller and the border is looking like a metalic type of border. The icons are entierly gray.

Non visible on the screenshot however: When hovering the menu, Or having it as focus on a screen reader **wink**, the icons turns golden and black and next to them is displayed in golden the name of the pages. Hovering/Focusing on the individual links, the text get a platinum color while the icons themselves get a brighter golden.

The full description/summary of the book is as follow (only the first two paragraphs are visible on the screenshot);

Camellia Ogden and Jessica William are two inseparable roommates working in the same restaurant. One day everything changes when they get caught into something bigger than themselves.

Between a notorious Serial Killer, leaving nothing but disfigured bodies on his trail of carnage;
The NightClaws a mysterious and dangerous group of fanatics, following the ideologies of the Forsakens;
And PRIMAL an obscure paramilitary organization that seems to control everyone’s lives more than the government itself while protecting the public from the Unseen, the two young women do not know where to go for help or direction.

By being involved in all of these life-altering events, they make sinister enemies, powerful entities that want to use them or eliminate them, seeking destruction and control over everything that lives.

In all of this madness, they also make allies; Friends that will go above and beyond to help them get through all of this mess and teach them how to recognize the threats and defend themselves. Their allies will have their back, and the girls will have the backs of their new friends.