eu nao sabo nih me explica


Jed Carlson and I raised concerns about this breach of NIH data and the surprising lack of enforcement when federally protected genomic data is leaked in a recent paper. We urged researchers and NIH to take this seriously and explore enforcement mechanisms


One interesting tidbit from the Judge's ruling is a comment on what kinds of academic work may be protected under 1A rights. Arguing that the speech in his contentious paper was in his official role as professor and that the university has legitimate interest in regulating such speech.

But even if CSU had fired him for publishing the Global Ancestry paper, it most likely still would not have run afoul of the First Amendment. “When public employees make statements pursuant to their official duties, the employees are not speaking as citizens for First Amendment purposes, and the Constitution does not insulate their communications from employer discipline.” Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410, 421, 126 S. Ct. 1951, 1960 (2006). As a public employee of CSU, Pesta’s research and publications were part of his employee responsibilities. CSU was permitted to regulate the speech Pesta exercised in his capacity as a professor. Id. Pesta’s research for the Global Ancestry paper was clearly related to his role as a professor. Otherwise, he would not have been permitted to access the NIH data. Accordingly, even if CSU had fired Pesta for publishing the Global Ancestry paper, it likely would have been
within its right to do so.

Some interesting details from discovery, like email communications between Pesta and his race science collaborators actively describing what they were doing as "sneaky" and deceptive. One of these collaborators also "went rogue" with an unauthorized personal copy of the protected NIH dataset.

Pesta worked with several individuals to research the correlation between intelligence and ancestry – John Fuerst, Emile Kirkegaard and Jordan Lasker. ECF Doc. 38-3 at 1. Correspondence from Fuerst and Kirkegaard to Pesta suggests that the group was trying to coverup the true reason for accessing the NIH data. ECF Doc. 38-35 and ECF Doc. 38-38. They refer to their data requests as “sneaky” and as “mask[ing] the nature of the study.” Pesta was the only one in this group who could access the TCP data through his association with CSU.
But when CSU attempted to comply with NIH’s directives, it learned that Pesta had stored the data on a personal computer in his home and had allowed Fuerst to improperly access the data. ECF Doc. 38-5 at 6-7. Pesta later admitted that he had been responsible for allowing Fuerst to access the data and that Fuerst had “gone a little bit rogue.” ECF Doc. 38 at 39.
On July 11, 2021, Pesta formally appealed the decision of the NIH, and was represented by counsel during the appeal. On August 17, 2021, the NIH denied his appeal citing the following violations:
1) Researching matters that were not described in Pesta’s Data Access Request;
2) Sharing controlled access data with an unauthorized entity;
3) Failing to provide accurate annual reports; and
4) Fuerst’s refusal to confirm destruction of the TCP data.
The NIH suspended Pesta from accessing the controlled-access data sets for three years, the most
serious sanction ever issued by the NIH. ECF Doc. 38-5 at 20-23.

Does it matter…? Hmmm, let’s check Project 2025… And this doesn’t even begin to cover the social effects that Trump’s presence has on science and the international perception of the US as a place that’s good to work.

Page from project 2025 calling for breaking up and privatizing NOAA.
Page from Project 2025 calling for splitting up the NIH into state-level entities and criticizing NIH investigations into sexual assault and funding research into gender-affirming care.
Page from Project 2025 calling to an end to all international aid regarding climate change. Further denies that climate change has material impact on people’s lives in developing countries.
Page from Project 2025 calling for banning all applied research at the National Labs and criticizing the use of NSF funding for technology transitions to a cleaner economy.

Race scientist Bryan J. Pesta lost his lawsuit against Cleveland State University for firing him. He argued his free speech rights were being violated (where have I heard that before?) but the undisputed facts show it was because he misused NIH genetic data.


kurang 4 lg nih


Susah banget nih, pisah dikit langsung berantem


INI NIH! INI! THIS! Kalo udah gregetan sendiri langsung ngebatin, "Dah sini gua aja yang ngerjain dah" wakawakawaka 🤣


Hmmm BM vc nih, ada yg mau nemenin ga yaahhh fwb... M3x