Having okonomiyaki for the first time in months at the little hole in the wall place near the station, where the owner knows everyone's names and Daikon and I are the youngest in here by at least a decade #food#alcohol#nonvegan

Two okonomiyaki sitting on a hot plate in the background with a small plate of sausages and glass of umeshu on the rocks in foreground
Two finished okonomiyaki with sauce and shaved bonito

"for those of ya trying to stay vegan, we've linked our bonemeal mulching technique in the video below. check to see if neighboring nonvegan hoardes want any of that meat before you leave it at the forest edge though! remember, we're all in this together."


My mom is annoyed that she can't make food everyone in her house will eat so I've got to give her a recipe that I made while I lived there that the picky nonvegan got 2nds of.


If a nonvegan starts talking about animal rights or the organizaions I just scroll away.


When a vegan criticizes them: 🤷‍♀️ When a nonvegan criticizes them: 😡 I think there are valid critiques of them but nonvegans come from a place of speciesism


Today's very good grub courtesy of Daikon, champion of champions Time to sit down and not move for the next four days at least #food#nonvegan

Bowl of yakiniku and fried veggies on a bowl of rice, a plastic container of kimchi, and a big mug of ice water

TGS was great, and meeting indie devs and people who love indie games gives me such power. When I got back in town I met up with Daikon and had a lovely meal Today was such a good day. I am exhausted and dunno how I am going to do it all again tomorrow but it's gonna be great ahaha #food#nonvegan

Large bowl of butter chicken curry with karaage chicken, rice,and coleslaw. There are small bowls of consomme soup, potato salad, and pickles.
Ice cream parfait with a slice of sweet potato, vanilla ice cream with black sesame seeds, a scoop of yuzu sherbet, and a wafer wedge inside of a silver bowl. Next to it is a small pitcher of honey to pour over

To be fair, he will educate his child/children about what happens to animals. He won't perpetuate the lie. But he will let them make up their own mind when they're older. But that's true of every vegan parent. A child can be raised vegan and become nonvegan when they're an adult. It happens.


Kicking off our three-day weekend with a drive to our old haunts in Yamato City, ate very good ebi miso ramen (!!) and shorompo (idk the spelling/Chinese word? 小籠包), then grabbed highway stamps from both Atsugi parking areas ahaha #food#nonvegan#ハイウェイスタンプ#旅のスタンプ

Bowl of ramen with leeks and shrimp meatballs, and small plate nearby with shrimp oil to pour over
Basket of shoronpo with bottles of shoyu and a big wide spoon to eat with
Small book held open with a blue stamp on the left of Ken-O Expressway's Atsugi Parking Area with Iiyama Onsen building, and a red stamp on the right of fireworks in the sky over a suspension bridge. A salmon is leaping in the water and the text says it is for the Ayu (Sweetfish) Festival