This picture raises more questions than it answers for me. The squamules are Placidium squamulosum as discussed previously. Are the blobs in between nostoc? do they belong to P.s.? What is the #lichen on the pebble? Still much to find out.

Scene with a green squamulose lichen and a small pebble
Pebble with grey lichen crust with black apothecia
Dark green blobs between green scales.

Of course lots of E. tenax. And even more nostoc.

Black green jelly lichen in moss.

About as much Nostoc commune as a man's heart can hold...

Green jelly of nostoc commune
More nostoc on moss

Nostoc commune is even more green slime! Or E. tenax.

Nostoc commune (top left, olive green blobs) and Enchylium tenax (centre and bottom right, black small blobs)

I found it between Nostoc commune, Petigera rufescens and the all Enchylium tenax. Two women on bikes passed me while I was sitting on the ground carefully observing my toes (actually the ground between my legs) with the binoculars. What a sight.

Cargo bike on a disused turning area with gravel and ruderal vegetation.
Clump of lichen between moss and grass
Binocular laying in low vegetation and gravel

I found some #underappreciatedthings#Asianhornet#cyanobacteria#nostoc commune. The Blob!

nostoc commune, a cyanobacteria collective that looks like a blob or a seaweed.
An Asian Hornet lying on its back with its legs folded.

It's Enchyliun tenax, Nostoc commune and longest puddle in the world weather ๐ŸŒง๏ธ. #lichen

Green jelly algae on grass and dirt
Dark green to black jelly lichen on dirt and moss
Very long puddle. Kid with trike in foreground

Gisteren heb ik twee drinkpoelen in het #Gerendal#sieralgen ๐Ÿฅฐ

Betonnen drinkpoel in een grasperceel in het Gerendal. De waterlaag is bedekt met kroos en grote waterweegbree
Diverse soorten oogdiertjes, Euglenoida. Herkenbaar aan de rode oogvlek die ze hebben. Foto 4 is waarschijnlijk een Phacus. Foto 5 is een heel klein exemplaar (Trachelomonas denk ik); dat bruine is een wortel van het kroos. Foto 6: de schub van een vlindervleugel ๐Ÿฆ‹
Deze drinkpoel heeft wat meer open water. Langs de kant staat gewone waterbies en de wwaterkolom is verder gevuld met aarvederkruid en een beetje draadalg.
Verschillende soorten sieralgen: 1.) Desmidium swartsii. 2.)staurastum cf. polymorphum?; dat kralensnoer er naast is een blauwalg (Nostoc). 3.) Closterium. 4. Cosmarium. 5. Een radervormige groenalg, Pediastrum duplex. En 6.) Spirogyra met spiraalvormige chloroplast.