Remember in college when you managed to get a half gallon of Everclear and had a party in your apartment and after everyone got too drunk to go home so you started playing songs on the sound system you were making payments on rather than buy nutritious food?


And what about other interventions? Car-centric planning makes daily activity harder. Access to fitness centres can be expensive, traumatic and/or difficult. Cooking nutritious food can be hard for a whole host of reasons. Health and illness are complex with a number of interlinking causes.


qhy do people hate grassfed????? like the cow was healthier and everything like it's more nutritious


I have a grudge against people who can't eat beans. Deeply nutritious, easy to grow, globally beloved staple food but they make your lil tummy hurt? Skill issue. Get good.


Nutritious rodent! *is pelted with eggs* HA! You fell for my cunning stratagem! *licks delicious egg juice*


Coppice hazelnuts and use the rods to make permanent structures, insulation etc. Not sure if one can grow nuts and coppice at the same time but nuts alone are very nutritious and wood roots sequester C.


Important information. Dry food is cheap and nutritious and takes just a bit of experience to get used to preparing it.


From the British Heart Foundation: "given the high salt, sugar, and saturated fat content of most of these foods...". So like non-UPFs with high salt, sugar or saturated fat content then, but not like UPFs without high salt, sugar or saturated fat content.

Why are ultra-processed foods bad for us?

Ultra-processed foods often contain high levels of saturated fat, salt and sugar and when we eat them, we leave less room in our diets for more nutritious foods. It’s also been suggested that the additives in these foods could be responsible for negative health effects.

The actual processing of the food could also make a difference to how our bodies respond to it. Studies have shown, for example, that when foods such as nuts are eaten whole the body absorbs less of the fat than when the nut is ground down and the oils are released. Another new theory is that diets higher in ultra-processed foods could also affect our gut health.

More research is needed to separate these different elements and understand exactly what about ultra-processed foods could be bad for our health: is it one of these elements or is it their combination?

Currently, it’s also hard to know whether it is something within the foods that is the issue or whether eating a diet high in these foods suggests an overall lifestyle that is linked to poorer health. However, given the high salt, sugar, and saturated fat content of most of these foods, cutting down does seem sensible.