Buf, lloré con este, con el X, con el XV y dos de sus DLCs, con el VII Rebirth, con el Lost Odyssey, con el Crisis Core… 🤣 Mis favoritos son los que acaban conmigo hecha una bolita lacrimógena.


P76 issue 9: Poetries of place/ displacement/ diaspora/ odyssey - On-line Edition. Scott-Patrick Mitchell – ‘transplant’ Scott-Patrick Mitchell is a queer non-binary immigrant who lives and writes on Whadjuk Noongar Country.

P76 Issue 9. Scott-Patrick Mitchell – ‘transplant’
P76 Issue 9. Scott-Patrick Mitchell – ‘transplant’

Scott-Patrick Mitchell was Highly Commended in the 2024 Blake Poetry Prize and was a 2022 Red Room Poetry Felowship. Their debut poetry collection Clean (Upswell Publishing, 2022) was shortlisted f…


"Cloud" by Fischerspooner Album: "Odyssey" Time: 03:12 am


Meu top18 jogos com mais horas jogadas na Steam 🤧 Nem gosto de Mortal Komba né 😜 Cyberpunk qdo eu pegar Phantom Liberty, deve pegar topo. The Crew 2 tá crescendo rápido tbm. Nessa lista só não tem Asasssin's Creed Odyssey pq o meu é pela Ubisoft Connect, pq acho q tenho umas 170h nele 😅


I watched Doctor Odyssey (viva schlock TV!!!) and thought Pacey was aggressively Dr. House in the face... and I am very VERY upset to inform you Joshua Jackson is older than Hugh Laurie was when that show premiered. Also they have the same birthday (June 11)


I am not that much for "the wisdom of the ancients" but the world could do with a bit more xenia, I think

Quote from the Odyssey, highlighted in yellow: "all foreigners and beggars come from Zeus, and any act of kindness is a blessing"

I will get on details later on Odyssey once I've returned from the work. So gone for now. Be right back at afternoon.


Obliviously. Stungerm 10 must be new OC based. 2020s Detroit style in 2027. Adam Jensen's Black Trenchcoat with the artistic roses pattern on the style. I call him or her as Odyssey (If Shirazira-san agrees that)


Five minutes into Doctor Odyssey and they’re draining a hematoma from a broken dick so yeah, I’m IN.