Person that sat a couple offices from me got fired this past week and Iā€™m starting to feel like if I donā€™t go on a vacation in the next few weeks Iā€™m gonna go insane


After being targeted by three different shootings over a three-week period, Arizona Democratic Party has decided to close one of their field offices in a must-win swing state out of concern for the safety of staff and volunteers.

Democrats close field office in must-win swing state after 3 shootings
Democrats close field office in must-win swing state after 3 shootings

After being targeted by three different shootings over a three-week period, Democrats have decided to close one of their field offices in a must-win swing state out of concern for the safety of staff ...


god bless state AG offices that don't know how to correctly redact text in a PDF, and public radio reporters who always try to copy and paste the redacted text just in case


yea, i also vote. i understand why people don't, and i will never vote shame someone for not voting; only for voting republican. the down ballot races are actually important for our politics. but votes for national offices? very rarely are there actual choices, just the illusion of choice


No, I honestly don't, or at least not with tattoos and blood draws. However, I am allergic to certain vaccines. I wouldn't say my reaction is an allergy, but my body definitely doesn't handle it well. I only get them done in the drs offices for this reason.


šŸ§µGood Meowning, Bluesky! Today in #KemeticLore#AncientEgyptian#horoscope fur Oct 12/II Akhet 12 is š“„¤š“„¤š“„¤ Efurrything will work out favorably wif patience. Kahun š“ˆ‹ (Moar below)/1

An image of hieratic text on papyrus on top and hieroglyphic transcription on the bottom. Title and source text is included: Source: Bakir, A.M. (1966). The Cairo Calendar: No. 86637. Egypt. General Organization for Government Printing Offices. Image provided by @SaganandLoki. I Akhet 26 to II Akhet 3

Hypothesis: white make elected Democrats don't like the implications of Kamala Harris winning in 2024 after Obama won in 2008, because it suggests the door is closing on white guys getting elected to the highest offices.


What if we replace the part after buy time, with try to primary and replace whatever establishment dem offices we possibly can anywhere we possibly can with actual representation?