Here's an excerpt of Pietro talking about this incredible exhibition! (full video on Palazzo Esposizione's Instagram)


Jetzt musste ich wegen Enrico Palazzo kurz lachen, danke.


Un patto segreto sui satelliti tra Palazzo Chigi e Musk. Così il piano da 1,5 miliardi è stato ‘svelato’ dall’inchiesta Sogei In estate le tr...


E se un palazzo ha 40 piani che devono fare? A farli tutti a piedi arrivano giusto per l'estrema unzione.


Was ich bisher sagen kann: Mailand ist rappelvoll mit Kultur. An jeder Ecke denkst du "Oh, was ist das denn für ein Palazzo/eine Kirche/eine Kathedrale...?" Am besten gefiel mir bisher Brera, auch wenn ich nicht in der Pinakothek war (nicht ganz mein Fall). Das Castello ist auch toll.


Gianlorenzo Bernini, Damned Soul, c. 1619, Marble, Palazzo di Spagna, Rome. Thought to be a self-portrait. 🎃🔥

A classical marble bust of a head screaming in agony. "The Blessed Soul and the Damned Soul were commissioned from Bernini by Cardinal Pedro Foix de Montoya, in 1619. The busts were originally in the sacristy of the church of Santa Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli, Rome. They were appropriated from the sacristy by the Spanish government, who put them in the Spanish embassy to the Holy See on the Piazza di Spagna." (WGA)

Thrilled to FINALLY share why I went to Rome... in May, artist Pietro Ruffo invited me to collaborate on a huge new exhibition "L'ultimo meraviglioso minuto", which explores themes of the depth & material presencing of time, and how it emerges from and creates place & history, biology & humanity🏺

Collage of images showing the Palazzo Exposizioni entrance and exhibition flag; close-ups of pieces of Ruffo's art, text from the website and a photo showing Italian edition "Neandertal: vita, arte, amore & morte" with a paint palette
Photo looking west across the Forum in Rome, ruins stretching away into the glare of afternoon light
Ceiling of the Pantheon's dome, with light shaft across the surface
Temple of Saturn viewed from below, huge colums set against a cloudy sky