the hope is that I will be in the next DinoCon (they are rebranding). A ton of my friends are Tetzoocon regulars, namely Josch, Fang, Zach and company. I know at least 2 of the Paleostream aussies will be there next year too


Primarily inspired by yesterday’s La Brea paleostream, which featured a pair of Smilodon fatalis but not the other known felids from the tar pits.


here's yesterday's #Paleostream flocking sketches (the one i hosted :P) yesterday we drew Opabinia, Barosaurus, Titanites, and Saurornitholestes these are late because i took a long sleep right after stream finished lol

an Opabinia uses its legs to walk across the seafloor at night, it's illuminated by an artificial light coming from behind the camera
a juvenile Barosaurus looks into a sunrise, a rocky hill behind it is also illuminated by the rising sun
a curious Cricosaurus investigates an old Titanites, the Titanites is using its net-like radular teeth to filter out suspended particles and plankton from the water column (this behaviour is speculative but we do have ammonites with beaks and radular teeth like this)
a Saurornitholestes screams at the ground in a grey void

Doodles from yesterday's non-canon Flocking #Paleostream featuring Opabinia, Barosaurus, Titanites, and Saurornitholestes.


Doodles from yesterday's Flocking #Paleostream featuring Cameroceras, Thalassotitan, Ctenosauriscus, and Saltopus.


here's today's #Paleostream sketches!!! today we drew Cameroceras, Thalassotitan, Ctenosauriscus, and Saltopus. not my strongest recent flocking im ngl, very happy with the Thalassotitan though

a lone Cameroceras swims on the edge of an ocean drop off. its shell is covered in yellow encrusting bryozoans, and parasitic crinoids, other crinoids can be seen on the rocks
a Thalassotitan has caught a protostegid turtle by a reef. an initial fatal bite was landed, the blood from the wound spreads as the Thalassotitan swims away with its new meal
a Ctenosauriscus stares at the ground in a grey void
a group of four Saltopus congregate at the top of a rocky hill during the night. an artificial light from behind the camera illuminates them

Doodles from yesterday's Flocking #Paleostream featuring Isotelus, Coahuilasaurus, Fona, and Goyocephale.


here's today's #Paleostream sketches!!! feels good to be back, today we drew Isotelus rex, Coahuilasaurus, Fona, and Goyocephale

an Isotelus rex is illuminated by an artificial light as it waits under the sediment for prey to pass by, its antennae and eyes poke above to sense its surroundings
a Coahuilasaurus forages at the shoreline in the morning, it's caught a crab and works quickly to process it before it gets pinched
a Fona's burrow became caved in over night, it's in the process of fixing the damage while looking at the camera
a Goyocephale stands atop a sand dune looking into the horizon