Yesh. Installed the 64Mb into PC98. Had originally 9Mb. Loading times are FAST now. Next we'll insert 486DX2-66 CPU into it. #twitch#tzibu#twitchtv#japan#pc98#pc9801#memory#pc#retrocollector#retro#upgrade


常日頃から回顧に生きてる側面が強い自覚はあるが、どこかのタイミングで新しい文物を仕入れるのは最小限に抑えて、ひたすらかつて耽溺していたPCゲーム誌『コンプティーク』を1990年代前半~半ばまで揃えて当時の雰囲気に浸ったり、PC9801と当時のゲームをなんとか入手して耽溺する暮らしに移りたい願望もある。 うっかり結婚したりしてなかったら、どこかで古い文物のみに浸って寿命を待つ暮らしにシフトしたとは思う。


Going down a research rabbithole unrelated to this post this afternoon and just learned that Working Designs was planning to launch a puzzle and strategy game-focused sub-label called Aneurysm in the mid-90's

With some of the rumors that were flying around about WD in the past
>year on r.g.v. sega, a few of them are still unclear to me. If it is
>possible anyone can answer any one of these questions for me, I would
>really appreciate it!
>1) Will WD begin releasing puzzle type games under the label 'aneurysm'?
Yes, but only after we get SPAZ a bit more well-known and established. The
trademark, etc. are all registered and ready to go.

>2) What ever happened to 'Serpent's kiss'?

Killed. Took too long to get off the ground, and the technology was too dated
as of the beginning of the year. We'll try a PC RPG most-likely this coming

>3) Will there ever be a compilation disk of WD music?

In the works, but the games are the priority at the moment. We are, however,
looking into packing in a free arranged music CD with Alundra (sorry, wrong

>4) Is Spaz going to port over Thunder Force V?

We had planned to release 3 technosoft game packs (TF Gold Pack1/Hyper Duel, TF
Hi Vic,

>I hope you get to read this. I just wanted to ask you if you are
>porting any of the Japanese Saturn games that are not strictly RPGs but
>similar. For example Princess Maker? I have always been curious why that
>is so popular. Also are you interested in Sakura Battle, or Monster
>How about that "Marriage" simulation game? 3X3 Eyes? Shin Megami Tensei
We looked into Princess Maker 2, but the Saturn version has a TON of
voice and is only very mildly improved over the PC9801 version. It
wouldn't even break even here considering the time we'd have to spend
recording all the voice (that wasn't in the 9801 version). Cool
simulation game, though. (PM3 on the Playstation looks tres' cool,

Monster Maker always interested me on the PC-Engine. We're watching the
Saturn version's development closely.

Shin Megami Tensei:Demon Summoner (Devil Summoner) has some of the
coolest ad art out right now. I LOVE the attitude of the main chara

マンハッタンレクイエム第18話アップしました! ついに最終回。すべてを話してもらいます。 ※ゲームBGMが大きかったので字幕多めにしてます 【PC-9801】マンハッタンレクイエム ManhattanRequiem 18(完)【プロジェクトEGG】ゲーム実況#レトロゲーム#ManhattanRequiem#マンハッタンレクイエム#J.B.ハロルド#プロジェクトEGG#PC9801#Vtuber

【PC-9801】マンハッタンレクイエム ManhattanRequiem 18(完)【プロジェクトEGG】
【PC-9801】マンハッタンレクイエム ManhattanRequiem 18(完)【プロジェクトEGG】

YouTube video by 神楽くるみのPINKHOME