Nahhh . I mean He could be donor Cause philanthropy Brain surgeons You know?

• @HumanWhit • 8h
Smelling toast is burnt ashes... makes sense when parts are dying.
Leave Isis aromatics out of it until accepting above.
Cis Chels @chels_spoonie • 16h
So "smelling toast" means you're (supposedly) dying. What about "old lady perfume" when you're home alone and don't wear perfume?

"Joel L. Fleishman, founding director of the public policy program at Duke University, scholar of philanthropy, wine connoisseur, and the center of a legendary network of friends, has died. He was 90 years old."

Honoring Joel Fleishman | Sanford School of Public Policy
Honoring Joel Fleishman | Sanford School of Public Policy

Joel L. Fleishman, founding director of the public policy program at Duke University, scholar of philanthropy, wine connoisseur, and the center of a legendary network of


Similar to how philanthropy is the accumulation of stolen wages


My favorite story about him is when people complained that all his off-season philanthropy was detracting from his ball skills. He gently replied that the off-season stuff was what mattered to him, and ball was simply what let him do it so generously. Legend.


Unlike national groups, abortion funds like DC Abortion Fund see the people left behind. They try to help them get care. It doesn't always work.

Vox screenshot with one sentence highlighted:

These kinds of criticisms vex Dingus, who wrestles with whether abortion funds should be more “acceptable and digestible” to the public, as she put it.

“I came from a more traditional philanthropy space where you had to make sure you never hurt anyone’s feelings or made anyone angry because you might lose a dollar,” she said. “Abortion funds I’ve always found to be more liberated spaces where we can speak truth to power and push for change and not have to worry about one funder here or one funder there. But *we are also seeing the reality of people not getting the care they need, people are going to be forced to give birth*, so I think it’s tough.”

Thanks for sharing this. I just read it. Nationalist Post has some balls. What part of the 45,000+ killings in Gaza, and the 1,000+ murders in Beirut, are defensive???

Activists argue this is akin to supporting a foreign military. They not only want Canadians to boycott Indigo due to the private philanthropy of its CEO, which is of course outside the control of the corporation itself, they also want the Canada Revenue Agency to strip the HESEG Foundation of its charitable status, as it recently announced it would do to two other Jewish charities that have been the target of anti-Israel activists for years.

This is another argument that doesn't stand up to scrutiny, as providing educational opportunities to former soldiers who have no family supports in Israel has nothing to do with aiding the military itself - especially in a country where military service is mandatory.

Nor does Israel's defensive war against Hamas - which savagely raped and murdered 1,200 people, mostly civilians, and took over 250 hostages on October 7 - amount to a "genocide," as Israel's critics falsely contend.

"I will continue to donate more and will continue to use my voice to urge my peers to do the same." Philanthropy In 2020, he established the Virgil Abloh "Post-Modern" Scholarship Fund. Abloh raised $1 million for the scholarships to assist Black students.


CharityFIRE Being able to FIRE at a young age is a privilege even when it involves hard work, and some of us may enjoy aspects of our work enough to continue working at least part time. I’m wondering who else here is considering a focus on philanthropy …


Still one of my favorite songs ~ ✰ "The reason you had time with me is cause I love philanthropy!" 💅💗 🌸🌈:


Song · Ennaria · 2023