Honestly, I suspected she was bullshitting when I heard she blocked trans healthcare to imprisoned women. US-Democrats really couldn't care less about lefties, it's all pinkwashing. It's always been, and it will always be at this rate.


Happy Coming Out Day. I came out more than a decade ago, privileged to choose to do so and lucky to be with community and family that accepted me with hugs and love. That said: Not everyone is so lucky and pinkwashing/justifying violence to their communities doesn't make it safer to live freely.


"Queerfeindlichkeit" in der Gesellschaft verschwindet genau so wenig wie Rassismus. Aber freilich können sich queere Akteure in der Demokratie genau so für ihre Interessen einsetzen wie andere auch. Und das mit dem Pinkwashing ist echt ein schwieriges Thema.


Ist halt staatliches Pinkwashing. Und dass queere Menschen das feiern, zeigt nur, dass Pinkwashing funktioniert.


💬 “Tudo isso que citei na lista acima precisa estar na ordem do dia se queremos um mês de conscientização sobre o câncer de mama. Caso contrário, é só mais do mesmo pinkwashing.*” *O termo 'pinkwashing' está associado a empresas que lucram explorando a doença.


Und ein weiterer Tag an dem ich Männer, die irgendwas mit Fußball zu tun haben und meinen einen auf pinkwashing machen zu müssen, ekelhaft finde.


Sem falar em quem defendeu a terraplanagem dessas duas regiões com todos os civis dentro e usando os valores ocidentais e os LGBTs como desculpa (pinkwashing). É um corno fazendo troça dos mortos do outro e usando os seus de baioneta contra adversários reais e imaginários. Copa do Mundo de Sonsice.


Something I've noticed about pinkwashing as a White queer is the way racists assume every other White person only interacts with White people. "Do you know what Lebanese people would do to you?!" Literally yes. I do. The only harm I have suffered is a tummy ache from too many carbs in one sitting.


Only time I'd accept "queer imperialism" is if the word is used to describe pinkwashing (using LGBTQ+ rights as a way to deny a country/company's flaws and cruelty) and homonationalism (using LGBTQ+ rights to justify reactionary and often imperialist nationalism again marginalised groups).


Ich mag „Dark Mama Putz“ vorbehaltlich erstmal, weil Pinkwashing im Oktober, is mal was Neues