Their intractable need to think everything Biden/the Dems does is part of some evil conspiracy outweighs anything else. If only the Dems could stop believing they could placate or negotiate with these people…


Definitely take care of longshoremen in transition, but deciding to keep costs high to placate them is a dead-end position. I don’t mean this as an attack on the union, but unions look out for their members, a necessarily smaller group than the pool of people benefitted by automation.


@SkyNews: "The country just voted for change and all we've got is more managed decline." @RobertJenrick hits out at the new Labour govt and says, "imagine how cowardly you have to be to rob poor pensioners just to placate your union paymasters." 📺 Sky 501


I wish solid poetry would placate the angry nerds

They Didn't Hate You Because You Read Comics Leslie J. Anderson
Or hung spaceships from your ceiling, or collected small dolls with delicate swords.
They stole your lunch because you were weird
like me— a bubble off center, unable to be still, pulling at your hair, chewing at your nails, tortured by the things that happened at home or just the uneven beating of your own heart.
Of you were poor. There were holes in your socks.
You couldn't get the sports lunchbox or the butterfly clips.
Or maybe it was because you were mean, a curled hedgehog full of fear and spines
But it wasn't the comics.
If you hadn't had comics, they would have found something else you loved to hurt you
I don't want to steal anything from you.
I know they were a lightness in you.
I tell you this to bring you peace, to tell you that you were a very small ship guiding yourself with the stars you had and you should be proud.

Yeah! We should do the same thing he wants to but be sneaky and say nice things to placate people instead!


While it's true that HR is primarily there to protect the company, sometimes protecting the company takes the form of immediately firing people who open them to legal liability and trying to placate the people those other ones did bad things to.


Or they sendi the national guard into the subway to placate the delusional


because again, on those issues im not the one saying they should placate gop voters. im the one saying dont do that maybe pls & instead try & convince anyone who actually wants progressive policies to vote for u rather than giving them the finger under the threat of something worse


CBS’ cunning plan to placate the face-eaters is working great


> These are tears, yes. I've been crying a lot lately. See what I have to do to placate the unbearable hatred you all harbour...