Bit Security: optimal adversaries, equivalence results, and a toolbox for computational-statistical security analysis (Daniele Micciancio, Mark Schultz-Wu)

Abstract. We investigate the notion of bit-security for decisional cryptographic properties, as originally proposed in (Micciancio & Walter, Eurocrypt 2018), and its main variants and extensions, with the goal clarifying the relation between different definitions, and facilitating their use. Specific contributions of this paper include: (1) identifying the optimal adversaries achieving the highest possible MW advantage, showing that they are deterministic and have a very simple threshold structure; (2) giving a simple proof that a competing definition proposed by (Watanabe & Yasunaga, Asiacrypt 2021) is actually equivalent to the original MW definition; and (3) developing tools for the use of the extended notion of computational-statistical bit-security introduced in (Li, Micciancio, Schultz & Sorrell, Crypto 2022), showing that it fully supports common cryptographic proof techniques like hybrid arguments and probability replacement theorems. On the technical side, our results are obtained by introducing a new notion of “fuzzy” distinguisher (which we prove equivalent to the “aborting” distinguishers of Micciancio and Walter), and a tight connection between the MW advantage and the Le Cam metric, a standard quantity used in statistics.
Image showing part 2 of abstract.

Resideo, Kiwi Properties new 'renters' apartments start at $630 pw plus utilities. Add to this food, travel (parking costs extra), contents insurance (for some at least) and that $800 rapidly disappears


Multi-Designated Detector Watermarking for Language Models (Zhengan Huang, Gongxian Zeng, Xin Mu, Yu Wang, Yue Yu)

Abstract. In this paper, we initiate the study of multi-designated detector watermarking (MDDW) for large language models (LLMs). This technique allows model providers to generate watermarked outputs from LLMs with two key properties: (i) only specific, possibly multiple, designated detectors can identify the watermarks, and (ii) there is no perceptible degradation in the output quality for ordinary users. We formalize the security definitions for MDDW and present a framework for constructing MDDW for any LLM using multi-designated verifier signatures (MDVS). Recognizing the significant economic value of LLM outputs, we introduce claimability as an optional security feature for MDDW, enabling model providers to assert ownership of LLM outputs within designated-detector settings. To support claimable MDDW, we propose a generic transformation converting any MDVS to a claimable MDVS. Our implementation of the MDDW scheme highlights its advanced functionalities and flexibility over existing methods, with satisfactory performance metrics.

I actually disagree with this take, and the assessor’s office is highly supportive of these. The biggest source of corruption is the tax appeal lawyers, and because Berrios wasn’t actually doing his job, properties were not being accurately assessed.


When is the Victorian government going to respond to the allegations made in the 4 Corners program about strata properties in this state Their absolute silence leaves strata owners out on a limb Why build up the political mess you’re causing through silence? We need a response


@XHNews: Guangzhou in south China's Guangdong Province has lifted restrictions on buying home properties, a significant step for the first-tier city to optimize the property market further


Yeh, you can go to the old school Device Manager (Right Click My PC -> Manage). Properties of the device. Then Drivers, install your own from file. Make sure they are 64bit would be my main concern..


Introduction to White Truffle THCA Strain The White Truffle THCA strain has quickly garnered a reputation among cannabis enthusiasts due to its unique properties and distinct lineage.

What is White Truffle THCA Strain? 5 Important FAQ
What is White Truffle THCA Strain? 5 Important FAQ

Introduction to White Truffle THCA Strain The White Truffle THCA strain has quickly garnered a reputation among cannabis enthusiasts due to its unique properti


The number of scare articles regarding the Negative Gearing changes saying "Oh noes, this slumlord might have to SELL some of their properties" are the biggest promotional tool the policy has, as well as being THE ACTUAL POINT. Wish I had the confidence that Labor could follow through.