And the og character sheets for the villains :] #spyau

A sketchpage of Fear in a spy au. There are two fullbodies of him, the first is a "civilian" getup, where he's wearing a sweater vest over a long-sleeved collar shirt, with a bowtie and black pants. He has a white prosthetic left arm, and his left iris is colored purple. The second one is his villain outfit. He is wearing a white lab coat over a howie-style lab coat. His left eye is now colored black. He is wearing a black glove on his right hand, and his prosthetic arm is now made up of four segments and has sharp fingertips. The design note says it is "inspired by neurons". Three smaller doodles fill the rest of the space. One doodle has Fear smiling deviously with his hands drawn together. The fingers on his prosthetic arm is no longer sharp. A design note says "non pointy alt for safety". Another doodle is him focused on something. He is not wearing a prosthetic arm, showing that his amputation ends just a bit after the shoulder. The last doodle is him in his civilian outfit, looking nervous. He's pointing at himself with his civilian prosthetic, saying, "you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses...would you?" His name is written, Francisco Leandro, aka Professor Terror.
A sketchpage of Joy in a spy au. At the far left is a fullbody of her default outfit: She's wearing a white suit and pants set, both with yellow pinstripes. Under the suit is a yellow vest over a white collared shirt. She's also wearing white shoes, gloves, and a hat with a yellow trim. She also has a white and yellow umbrella. The name Joyce Solaria and Miss April Fools are written next to the fullbody. Underneath the name is a halfbody doodle of Joyce pulling out a bundle of dynamite from her hat. She says, "Hey, wouldya look at this! Angus must've packed this here for me. How sweet of him!" A note beside the hat says "Hat of Holding, nobody knows how it really works". At the top right of the page is a doodle of Joyce smiling widely holding a gun. She's saying, "Ooh! You think that's funny?? Well I'm about to get so. Fucking. Hilarious!" At the bottom right of the page is a screenshot of a Tiktok video with the caption, "Me if being a silly billy becomes illegal". Below that is a small Joyce running away with her hands cuffed. She has a distressed expression, and she's saying: "No not my silly!"
A sketchpage of Anger in a spy au. The name Angus Hildebrand, Mr. Hellforge is written over his fullbody default outfit. He's wearing a white jumpsuit with various wears and tears. He has a black utility belt and black boots. He's also wearing flamethrower gloves that are hooked up to a fuel pack he's carrying behind him. He also has black goggles on his head. He's smoking a cigar while carrying a tube on his shoulder. At the top right is a demonstration of his gloves creating fire: there's a small flame on one of his palms, and his other hand is engulfed in flames completely. He's wearing his goggles properly. At the bottom right of the page is a doodle of Angus wearing the upper part of his jumpsuit around his waist, showing his chest and arms. He's holding a few blueprints under one of his arms and a wrench on the other. He looks annoyed, saying, "I swear to god Francisco if you're not gonna help me with inventin', don't bother me." Francisco's words are the only thing visible, as he replies "Wear your suit properly at least?!"
A sketchpage of Anxiety in a spy au. The name Dr. Axyon is beside her default outfit: She's wearing a black button up lab coat, orange gloves, white pants, black boots with orange decals. She's wearing a long white coat with an orange underside as a cape. She's also wearing orange goggles and a black mask with white sides. The mask doubles as a display screen, which shows an orange waveform. To the right of the fullbody is a doodle of Axyon reaching out towards the viewer, with one of her irises visible through the goggles. She's saying: "You want control? I'll give you control." She is not wearing her coat. On the top right is a small Axyon who is properly wearing her coat-cape. She looks a little bit annoyed.

Stuff to note in his post-dsmp design -white streak from revival -scars from wars and exiles -cTubbo’s bandanna -“your Tubbo” compass (cracked but still works) -cardigan made from Friend’s wool -burnt hands from second exile -alliums from cRanboo -prosthetic from second exile


2019 #ART#IJWBS#Domenico being in some sort of dystopian setting, and have some improvised prosthetic, the prosthetic stuck around for a few years cuz my friend and I made a lot of jokes.


Hello! My name is AJ and I'm a Filipino-American illustrator and comic artist.

An illustration of Tachibana Tetsu and Kiryu Kazuma from Yakuza 0. Both of them are sitting on a lounge chair with dark wooden trim and reddish, floral cushioning, placed in front of a large, bright window. They’re framed by a couple of curtains on the left and and some palm fronds on the right.

There are two curtains: one dark blue—velvety and opaque, tied back by a golden rope. Behind it is a translucent mint curtain. In front of it is a large bouquet of roses, placed in a glass vase. In front of that is a small golden table holding a bucket of ice, a bottle of champagne settled in it and next to that, a flute of champagne.

They are both wearing white tuxes with dark blue shirts. Kiryu can be seen wearing a light blue bow tie and cummerbund as well as white dress shoes. Meanwhile, Tachibana’s shoes are white with dark toes.

Tachibana is sitting on the left, one leg over the other as his hand and prosthetic are placed on Kiryu’s knee, looking at Kiryu with a fond expression. Kiryu is lounging, leaning back, propped up by his left elbow, holding his own champagne flute.
An illustration of Majima and Makoto as Leyndecker's Advertisement: Arrow Collars and Shirts for Dress (1918). Majima's hair is down and he's wearing a powder blue dress, with flowers attached to his hip, a translucent shawl barely covering his bare back, his irezumi peeking through the dress. Makoto is holding Majima, leading him into dance as she wears a suit and silk gloves with a flower tucked in her breast pocket. They are surrounded by the dark negative space, Makoto being immersed in it, due to her black suit.
An illustration of Sawamura Haruka. She is wearing a gown that combines elements of her So Much More outfit and 80s wedding dress. She is smiling at the camera, her gloved hands framing her face, elbows rested on her knees as she sits down. 

The dress and her gloves are opalescent, aside from the layers of tulle. The sleeves of her dress are puffy, the skirt having many ruffles and tulle. She’s wearing a tulle veil with a star atop the right side of her head, her hair done up in her usual high pony tail, but curled and given more volume.
An illustration of the OP’s OCs, Miyata and Kazue standing over a yellow-orange background. Miyata’s red curly hair is slightly slicked back. He is holding onto his jacket by a finger as it’s draped over his shoulder. He’s wearing a muted dark blue vest, slacks, and a tie. Kazue stands next to him, looking over her shoulder, he back turned towards the camera, a shiny dangling earring catching the light. She is wearing a dark blue velvety looking dress, with the straps covering her bare back. The slit of her dress rests high on her thigh, where her manicured nails rest.

I thought to myself.... What if I did make more complex character designs? I kinda want to keep Kyle with a color scheme/intricate outfit for the comic. She's usually just a witch but I've been having fun drawing her prosthetic in different ways! #artists#procreate#inktober


Thank you! I loved adding the prosthetic 🥰


Id kill for a good face scar mod, currently using a chainsaw man mod until I find a proper one (also some mad lad made a banger prosthetic arm mod based on Lies of P)


Ello post-timeskip, and the piece I drew of her for the Azeroth Fashion Zine earlier this year! She's doing quite well for herself these days #art#worldofwarcraft#oc

A night elf woman in a flowing, layered purple and white dress. She has short hair, half-moon glasses, and her left hand is a metal prosthetic with a blue gem on the back. She has a warm smile on her face.

At this stage, he will likely have prosthetic arms and legs. I want to preserve the image of the original as much as possible.


It’s the Big Bad Wolf from Into The Woods. And yes, but also it’s a prosthetic